DOCTOR VOODOO: Page 9 of 9

Publication Date: 2nd May 2024
Written By: Monolith.
Image Work: Douglas Mangum.


The plans against Kulan Gath were turned over to Conan and Doctor Strange to prepare. Indeed, Strange eventually found the spell needed to cleanse the infection of the Marrow God on Jericho and the others. [Savage Avengers (1st series) #23] A far greater task awaited Doctor Voodoo. With the magicks of Earth newly reborn after the Empirikul attack, it was more necessary than ever to shepherd the next generation of magical practitioners. Stephen and Jericho agreed the Sorcerer Supreme could never devote his time fully to such an important caretaking, and so Doctor Voodoo was chosen to serve as first headmaster of Strange Academy.

Jericho made arrangements with the local council of his home in New Orleans, Louisiana, turning the grounds of an ancient mansion into a school for magic, always protected and preserved behind glamours that hid it from threats and prying eyes. The Vishanti were invoked, and they also agreed that the school would be valuable towards the protection of Earth. Magic always came with a cost, which limited its ability to be reproduced constantly in an academic setting. Therefore, Hoggoth of the Vishanti accepted the burden of magic’s cost for spells cast on the grounds of Strange Academy. Students would be free to learn the mechanics of spell-casting without constantly burdening their spirits with the price of magic’s use. A diverse cast of instructors and guest lecturers were also arranged for Strange Academy, including the Ancient One, Scarlet Witch, Illyana Rasputin, Shaman, Agatha Harkness, Daimon Hellstrom, Nico Minoru, Dead Girl and Doctor Strange’s former librarian, Zelda Stanton.

The first class of Strange Academy was equally diverse, with students hailing from Asgard, Limbo, Weirdworld, Otherworld, Jotunheim and, of course, Earth. As with any group of teenagers, they had trouble getting along. In particular, the competition between Iric Brorson of Asgard and Doyle Dormammu of the Dark Dimension over Emily Bright (of Kansas) degenerated into fist-swinging and spell-slinging from time to time. The three also found themselves at the center of a prophecy where one would rise up to lead a “Dawn of Dark,” which certainly raised tension on campus. The staff kept the truth of Hoggoth’s boon a secret from the students, which had unforeseen consequences. Overconfident in their abilities, a group of students staged a rescue mission against the Hollow when their friend Calvin went missing. The toll of using magic outside the school grounds left them fatigued and weak against trained magic wielders. [Strange Academy #1-6]

The battle in the swamp went poorly, leaving Doyle dead and Emily filled to bursting with magical energy she siphoned off of Doyle in an attempt to save him. Jericho tried and failed to petition Dormammu himself to relight his son’s fire, while Strange brought Emily to Hoggoth so the Vishanti could siphon off the magical debt she incurred. Miraculously, it was Emily who brought Doyle back to life, accidentally releasing some of the magic she accumulated from him to relight his flame. Strange Academy pressed on, with parents’ day and field trips to Asgard. An assault on a student named Toth, however, led Doctor Voodoo to summon Howard the Duck to use his detective skills and solve the case. This revealed that Calvin Morse’s magical jacket was actually Strange’s old foe, Mr. Misery. Toth survived and Misery was expunged, but Calvin was left without any magical talent to speak of without his jacket. [Strange Academy #7-12]

Strange Academy was rocked by the sudden death of their patron, the Sorcerer Supreme. With Stephen dead, the Barrier spells which prevented inter-dimensional invasion fell, and many warlords from beyond the veil fled to Earth. Jericho closed Strange Academy temporarily until the immediate threats of the Three Mothers and the Peregrine Child could be stabilized. Doctor Voodoo and his staff lent their support to efforts by Wong, Clea and others to address the problem. [Death of Doctor Strange #1-5]

As classed resumed, however, Doctor Voodoo and Strange Academy continued to face a breakdown from within. Calvin Morse made a deal with a local wish broker named Gaslamp, restoring his magic but effectively turning Calvin into a magical drug peddler who sold other students on paying the price for Gaslamp’s magical wishes and favors. Jericho expelled Calvin from the school, but this in turn triggered a revolt by Emily Bright. Emily had always questioned the rules laid down by the Academy, regarding the secret of Hoggoth’s boon and other “for your own good” decisions peddled by the teachers. The dark magic she still contained from Dormammu made her erratic enough to lead a student walk-out in protest of Calvin’s treatment. [Strange Academy #13-17]

Doctor Voodoo and the faculty eventually found their students squatting in the abandoned Sanctum Sanctorum. Emily could not articulate any specific demands she wanted from the Academy in order to return, but she had also become too self-important to back down from her crusade. The conflict escalated and Emily found the power of the Dark Dimension within her allowed her to seize control of the Mindless Ones which Voodoo and Zelda brought with them. She overpowered Voodoo and the teachers, relishing in her newfound might as she continued preaching her complaints about the school while refusing any debate. She then opened a rift into the Dark Dimension, and those students still willing to follow her on her crusade left Earth entirely. [Strange Academy #18]

Strange Academy tried to get back on track following so much instability. Calvin had been kidnapped by Gaslamp and used as one of many living batteries for his wish-production. The students rescued their friend but caused considerable damage to New Orleans in the process. Doctor Voodoo defended his students’ intentions to the local magical counsel and encouraged them to make amends by helping raise money for the city’s repairs. Voodoo and the students also helped defend New Orleans from an incursion by Shuma-Gorath. More and more students returned to the Academy to mend fences as they grew tired of Emily lording her new power over them and shouting problems without offering solutions. [Strange Academy: Finals #1-4]

As the first-year commencement ceremonies rolled around for Strange Academy, Doctor Voodoo arranged to host parents and guests on the Academy campus. Unfortunately, the parameters of the spell which allowed them safe entry to the protected grounds also let in Doyle’s sire, the Dread Dormammu. He arrived to attack the school along with his new dark army led by Emily Bright. Voodoo and the faculty combined their magic to teleport Dormammu to the realm of the Vishanti, forcing him to directly contend with Hoggoth, Oshtur and Agamotto. Back at the Academy, Emily went completely mad with power and killed Iric of Asgard while attacking Doyle. This prompted Doyle to take back all the dark magic Emily absorbed from him, siphoning her strength but putting him on the verge of a dark magic meltdown as well. Doctor Voodoo returned with the avatar of Hoggoth, who absorbed Doyle’s excess strength and quenched the dark magic within his own nigh-infinite storehouse of power. Strange Academy survived, and Jericho Drumm planned to accept a new class of students for the next season. [Strange Academy: Finals #5-6]