DOCTOR VOODOO: Page 6 of 9

Publication Date: 2nd May 2024
Written By: Monolith.
Image Work: Douglas Mangum.


Nightmare tried to claim credit for Jericho’s entire life, indicating Jericho’s preoccupation with his childhood curse was thanks to Nightmare’s influence on his subconscious. Jericho Drumm was perfectly cultivated by Nightmare, he said, to be an ideal candidate for Sorcerer Supreme who would be heedless of his own faults and allow Nightmare to triumph. The Scrying Stones not only allowed Nightmare his access to Earth, but they also now served as conduits to reach the minds of every mage or supernatural on Earth they viewed. Pawn or not, Doctor Voodoo stood against Nightmare and his growing army of Unreal souls and sleepwalking sorcerers. Of all the mages of Earth, only Doctor Doom remained free of Nightmare’s influence, behind the actuality shell which protected Latveria. While Jericho sparred with Nightmare, Daniel got the Book of the Vishanti and the Orb of Agamotto to safety in Latveria by treating with Doom. Even Jericho fell to the Unreal temporarily, but Daniel helped him use the Eye of Agamotto to shrug off Nightmare’s influence.

Jericho and Daniel opened the gateway to Bondye, thinking the Loa themselves would come to their aid. Most of the Loa actually fled to the Far Lands before they arrived, though, fearful of Ogoun’s resurgence now that the gateway was open. Only Yamella, Bringer of Goodness, remained and instructed the Houngan Supreme that the Loa would not aid them, but Bondye itself would consume Nightmare’s foreign energies given the chance. Daniel deduced that Doom’s actuality shield could neutralize Nightmare’s power long enough for him to be forced through the gateway, so the brothers Drumm concocted a plan.

In Latveria, Doctor Voodoo and Daniel made a pact with Doctor Doom to stand against Nightmare and his dark army. Doom allowed Jericho to read from the Book of the Vishanti in his possession to uncover a plan for their success. Daniel possessed the Ghost Rider, one of Nightmare’s army, and borrowed Doom’s personal actuality shield to incapacitate Nightmare. Tragically, the same energies which made the Unreal of Nightmare mortal would permanently send the shade of Daniel Drumm to the afterlife. Daniel made the sacrifice so that Jericho and Doom could drag the corporeal Nightmare before the gateway to Bondye. Doom betrayed them to convert the now “true matter” of Nightmare into energy he would absorb and command. Doom revealed this success was what he saw in the Eye of Agamotto, and he allowed Jericho to get this far to assure his ascension as the new Lord of the Unreal.

Doom’s momentary triumph was short-lived, for Daniel remained hidden inside Nightmare’s energies until Doom absorbed them. Without his actuality shield, Doctor Doom was vulnerable to Daniel’s power of possession. It was no plan Jericho read from the Book of the Vishanti, but a minor spell of trust to ensure Doom went along with their plan without thinking too closely about it. With Doom under control, Nightmare and his energies were banished into Bondye, and the gateway resealed. Doctor Doom was humbled and sent on his way as well, for the new Sorcerer Supreme had much work to do. [Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural #3-5]

Doctor Voodoo continued to perform his duties as the Gunner of God and guardian of the ever-dimensions. A second date with Alexis went nearly as bad as the first when he was called away before dinner by the Orb of Agamotto. [Age of Heroes #1] He attempted to reconnect with Monica Rambeau in New York, but she still had no interest in commitment. Still, they had a “team-up” to acquire the mythical Monkey’s Paw from the son of the original Baron Samedi. Their team-up made it back to her place but, alas, no further. [Marvel Divas #1-4] Jericho remained an honorary associate of Luke Cage’s Avengers after the fight with the Hood, and they kept in touch through Stephen Strange. [New Avengers (1st series) #59-60] Doctor Voodoo even treated with Deadpool again, helping Wade Wilson in his quest to return his own freakish doppelganger to the Zombieverse. [Deadpool: Merc With a Mouth #7-8]

Despite all his work on their behalf, though, Doctor Voodoo could not save the Vishanti from themselves. Agamotto (allegedly) had a falling out with Hoggoth and Oshtur, becoming a renegade and losing much of his power. He attempted to reneg on past deals and reclaim the Eye of Agamotto from its current bearer. Aspects of Agamotto or spirits under his control possessed Strange and Hellstrom, sending them to take the Eye from Jericho. Doctor Voodoo was not fooled by their skins and fought back against the entities inhabiting his friends. They had great power, both borrowed and innate, and banished Daniel’s spirit to the Light Dimension of Agamotto. In desperation, Doctor Voodoo teleported the Eye of Agamotto away, sending it to Luke Cage and the Avengers for safekeeping.

Another of Agamotto’s wraiths possessed Cage, but the rules governing ownership of the Eye meant it could not just be taken from someone, even by possession… It must be freely given or deliberately discarded by the wielder. The Avengers freed Strange and Hellstrom from their passengers, but the entity in Luke Cage jumped into Iron Fist, who currently held the Eye, then brought him to the Light Dimension as well. Unfortunately for Agamotto, the Primordial Powers of Shou-Lao protected Iron Fist from being consumed by the Light, and the rogue Vishanti was no closer to reclaiming his property. Agamotto was forced to send Iron Fist back to stake his claim on the Eye for him. The wards on the Eye protected Earth from constant invasion from the ever-dimensions, and they were weakening because of this struggle. Once Agamotto’s identity was revealed and the stakes were plain, Doctor Voodoo demanded a sorcerer’s challenge from Agamotto, for possession of the Eye.

Agamotto’s previous efforts had been an attempt to avoid this, for he was weakened and could potentially lose a challenge. By reclaiming the Eye discreetly, he could use it to merge the Earth dimension with the Light Dimension and add the power of this universe to his own. To stack the deck in their favor, Voodoo and Strange planned a spell of binding which would make a single vessel as powerful as all the Avengers working together. Wolverine was chosen for his constitution, and the sorcerers prepared to empower him and send him into the Light Dimension as their champion. Doctor Voodoo and the Avengers watched on as Wolverine did battle with Agamotto on all their behalf. Tragically, Daniel Drumm spotted the fighting in the Light Dimension and did not know the stakes. He intervened against Agamotto, which risked a forfeit and the end of all life on Earth.

As their plans fell apart, Doctor Voodoo saw his brother in danger and charged into the Light Dimension to save him. Agamotto was weakened by Wolverine and Daniel, leaving him vulnerable to the power of the Eye itself. Voodoo turned the power of Agamotto on its owner, but the feedback was devastating. Wolverine was blasted back to Earth, but Jericho remained at the epicenter and was consumed by Agamotto’s power as it erupted out of him. Jericho Drumm died, his body literally wiped from existence in the Light Dimension. Daniel Drumm was mad with grief over his brother’s demise, blaming Stephen Strange and the Avengers. He thought they made him Sorcerer Supreme only to set him up to fail. Daniel’s spirit swore eternal vengeance against them and disappeared. [New Avengers (2nd series) #1-6]

Daniel Drumm circled the Avengers for some time before choosing to strike. He searched far and wide for Jericho’s spirit but could not find it in any of the nether realms. His spirit was corrupted by these darker dimensions he journeyed through before making it home. Daniel started attacking other mystics like Daimon Hellstrom and Jennifer Kale who might aid Stephen Strange before moving in on the Avengers. Though they survived, he did kill the Avengers’ liaison Victoria Hand after using her as a puppet to commit his attacks. Doctor Strange ended up challenging Daniel to another sorcerer’s duel. Though Daniel used the bodies of all the Avengers present as his round robin of hosts, Strange proved triumphant against the varied foes he faced. Once Daniel was exorcised, Agamotto appeared and congratulated Stephen on passing the test put before him. It… seemed… that Agamotto’s rogue behavior was only a ruse to put Strange through the trials necessary to make him worthy of becoming Sorcerer Supreme again. Why Jericho Drumm needed to be sacrificed for these trials was never adequately explained. [New Avengers (2nd series) #31-34]