DOCTOR VOODOO: Page 5 of 9

Publication Date: 2nd May 2024
Written By: Monolith.
Image Work: Douglas Mangum.


Brother Voodoo felt the rise of the undead in New Orleans once more and took to the streets to fight the zombie hordes. He teamed up with the X-Man called Gambit as they learned Remy LeBeau was unwittingly the target of the zombie attack. A mutant named Emery Arcenaux recently died in Gambit’s presence, and his auntie Antoinelle blamed Remy for her nephew’s death. The super-powered Emery and other zombies sought to kill Gambit and Jericho. Remy struggled to fight against his own recently deceased friend, Dan Down, but Brother Voodoo remained focused in the presence of the undead. They sought out Antoinelle Arcenaux, and she soon realized Emery’s true killer was the corrupt Detective Tanaka. Afterwards, Remy and Jericho did the necessary work returning the dead to sleep peacefully, including Dan and Emery. [Gambit (4th series) #8-9]

At some point, S.H.I.E.L.D. decided to become more active in dealing with arcane and supernatural threats. To fight fire with fire, they recruited a team of monsters to staff their field units and aggressively captured others for potential work release as assets. Brother Voodoo did reconnaissance and consulting work for these Howling Commandos out of Area 13, working well with the technical chief Bradley Beemer and Warwolf’s field unit. Merlin the Mage returned with aggressive plans for the modern world, setting off Voodoo’s thaumaturgic senses. After Merlin’s forces invaded Area 13, Brother Voodoo joined the full deployment of agents to Salisbury for a counterstrike. [Nick Fury’s Howling Commandos #2-6]

When a hurricane left New Orleans a disaster area, Brother Voodoo and Blade teamed up to keep vampires from claiming the town’s wreckage as their own. They received unexpected aid from Luke Cage and Black Panther, down offering humanitarian aid. The real help came from local hero Monica Rambeau, whose electromagnetic powers enabled her to turn into a living sun, traveling at the speed of light. Needless to say, she made short work of the vampires in town. [Black Panther (4th series) #12-13] Once the fighting was over, Jericho and Monica enjoyed some local jambalaya and a one-night stand. However, she flew off in the morning when he asked if it could turn into something more. [Marvel Divas #1]

When the Superhuman Registration Act became law of the land, Brother Voodoo chose to register as an official super-hero, although he didn’t actively fight during the Civil War that turned hero against hero. Still, he was the highest mage or mystic in the Initiative’s files once Doctor Strange joined the renegade Avengers who refused to register. Iron Man and his Avengers Initiative believed Strange was hiding these Avengers at his Sanctum Sanctorum. Though it seemed abandoned, Jericho was called in to determine if the Sanctum was still operating, only cloaked by Strange’s magic. Brother Voodoo reported to Iron Man that his rituals confirmed the Sanctum was empty, though he admitted it was very possible Strange could perform magic which even he could not detect. Jericho threw shade on Stark as he left, idly wondering what the villains were doing while hero hunted hero. One might wonder if his voodoo DID detect Strange and the Avengers where they were hiding inside, and Jericho Drumm merely decided to keep the fact to himself. [New Avengers (1st series) #29-30]

Indeed, Brother Voodoo made a point of making himself available where needed, regardless of politics. Ms. Marvel called in his assistance through S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Initiative when the Wendigo curse had an outbreak in Las Vegas, afflicting multiple hosts. Jericho arrived and cast a ritual spell which eradicated the curse in no time flat. [Hulk (2nd series) #9] However, he also worked with Doctor Strange again very soon thereafter, helping restore the soul of the mercenary T-Ray when his death threatened the integrity of certain dimensional barriers. Deadpool was a strange choice of agent for this quest, but Jericho deferred to Strange’s decision. [Cable & Deadpool #47-48]

Meanwhile, Brother Voodoo had attended the wedding of Black Panther and Storm in Wakanda. During the reception, he and Doctor Strange detected the presence of a malignant spirit. This entity, known as a Cannibal, abandoned the host body they detected and moved on to its next one. [Black Panther (4th series) #18] Brother Voodoo remained in Wakanda to study its unique brand of spirituality alongside the local priests and aided them in the search for the Cannibal. [Black Panther (4th series) #24, 26] Brother Voodoo’s efforts eventually proved successful when he examined Princess Shuri’s friend G’Mal and tried to kill the Cannibal. The body-hopper attempted to possess “Brother Voodoo,” only to learn he was actually a Skrull infiltrator in disguise. “Brother Voodoo” wanted the Cannibal eliminated to prevent authorities in Wakanda from looking too closely at him. Their psychic struggles led to the deaths of G’Mal, the Cannibal and the Skrull, revealing the latter’s true nature to Wakanda. [Black Panther (4th series) #38] It’s unclear how far back Brother Voodoo was replaced by a Skrull, or if there were two versions of Voodoo operational for a time.

The time came when Jericho Drumm was miraculously chosen for a new set of duties. Stephen Strange had failed in his role as Sorcerer Supreme, forcing him to give up the title and the patronage of the Vishanti which came with it. The Vishanti (Hoggoth, Oshtur, and Agamotto) charged Stephen with finding the next Sorcerer Supreme and bestowing upon them the badges of office which he carried, like the Eye of Agamotto amulet. Stephen feared the power would go to one unworthy of the role, like Doctor Doom or the Hood. Fortunately, the Eye passed judgment on all possible candidates and transported itself to Jericho Drumm in New Orleans.

The Ancient One, on behalf of the Vishanti, spoke to Jericho and explained to him the mantle and responsibilities of Sorcerer Supreme. Jericho hesitated before taking on yet another burden, but Daniel’s spirit urged him to put aside his doubts and claim the gifts being offered. The patronage of the Loa and the Vishanti seemed compatible, and so Jericho Drumm became defender of the mystical realms of Earth. He was called immediately into battle, for Stephen Strange and his allies, Hellstrom and the Avengers, were in New Orleans already trying to prevent the Hood (and his patron, Dormammu) from claiming the Eye. Together, they exorcized Dormammu from his host and banished him back to the Dark Dimension. Stephen and Jericho went into seclusion so Strange could educate him on the use of his new artifacts and prepare the new Sorcerer Supreme for the trials to come. [New Avengers (1st series) #53-54]

During his training with Stephen Strange, the newly christened Doctor Voodoo learned from the Vishanti that a great evil was prophesized to soon swallow the universe. Jericho chose to combine the duties of Sorcerer and Houngan Supreme as never before and craft a proactive defense to incursions from the ever-dimensions. He felt skilled enough to begin wielding the Staff of Legba, the symbol of the past Houngan named Papa Legba, who wielded it in the name of the god whose name he shared. At his Hounfour in New Orleans, Jericho conjured the Scrying Stones of Chthon from a bastardized copy of the Darkhold. Protected by a phantom wall of the Lost Souls of Shuma-Gorath, the stones became an observation post through which he could visualize any potential threats to the Earth dimension, from within or without.

Stephen was daunted by Jericho’s use of dark magic like this, but Doctor Voodoo politely reminded Strange that he was no longer Sorcerer Supreme. Stephen gracefully accepted the rebuke and left Jericho to conduct his affairs as he saw fit. One of Doctor Voodoo’s first acts was to chastise Dormammu for the Hood affair and seal him away in the Dark Dimension. As he built up the fortifications around his dimension, Jericho Drumm also tried to keep in touch with his human side. He maintained a non-profit clinic in New Orleans to tend to the sick on a more personal level than universe-spanning threats. He was attracted to his co-worker Alexis, but his constant absences from the clinic made her question his commitment to their patients.

Many challenged Jericho’s position(s) as Sorcerer & Houngan Supreme. Malicious Petro Loa from the Bondye taunted him that his duties to the Vishanti kept him from noticing their mischief. Victor von Doom also thought he could seize the Eye of Agamotto from Jericho, regardless of what Agamotto intended. Doctor Doom convinced himself that Voodoo was the darkness the Vishanti predicted, and the Earth dimension would thrive better with him in possession of Agamotto’s artifacts. Or so he thought. Doctor Doom used an ectoplasmic ionizer to send Daniel’s spirit to the true afterlife before turning on the Sorcerer Supreme. Doom and Voodoo fought through a series of alternate dimensions as Doom waylaid Jericho’s teleportation spell, until Doom overcame Jericho through sheer force in a dimension where their magecraft was unusable. When he grabbed hold of the Amulet of Agamotto, however, the Eye opened and showed Doctor Doom a vision which made him pause. Doom abandoned Doctor Voodoo and his Eye in that distant dimension rather than continue their combat. [Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural #1]

Doctor Voodoo was stranded in the Nightmare Dimension of the Fear-Lord who used the same name. While confronting nightmares of his dead parents and the man who butchered them, Voodoo lost half the Staff of Legba before using what remained to teleport home. He reunited with Daniel’s spirit, who had parleyed with Mistress Death before returning from the realm of the dead. She agreed with the Vishanti about the imminent threat and believed their success hinged on opening the gateway to Bondye. The forces of the Unreal were already massing in New Orleans and threatened to spread further. Doctor Voodoo encountered Daimon Hellstrom, who claimed his father Satan was behind the threat. Voodoo brought Hellstrom to the Scrying Stones to check on the Hell-Lord, but Satan remained idle. Unfortunately, Daimon was only sleepwalking. Once he was guided past the Lost Souls of Shuma-Gorath, Hellstrom seized the other half of the Staff of Legba and struck the stone monitoring Nightmare, just as the Fear-Lord did the same with the staff’s lost half. Nightmare, Lord of the Unreal, walked freely on Earth again. [Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural #2]