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Spotlight On...

Ava Ayala is determined to live up to her family's legacy of heroes who wielded the Amulets of Power. Channeling the ferocity of the Tiger God, the first thing mankind ever feared in the dark, she used martial arts and a supernatural patron to patrol the streets and hunt down criminals. Today's Spotlight finds the latest heroine known as... WHITE TIGER V!
A woman wrapped in mystery, a face shrouded in gold, this Avenger's story fell to the wayside because of editorial changes. Years later, her secrets were revealed just in time for a heroic sacrifice. This Spotlight reflects off of the expressionless mask of... MASQUE II!
This powerful being has been a constant thorn in Alpha Flight's side. He's obsessed with the alien race called the Plodex and he hates Carol Danvers with a vengeance. Read about the diabolical doings of Eshu the Forever Man... the MASTER OF THE WORLD!
Kelsey Leigh just wanted to protect her children, but an unclear choice forced her to become a super-hero while never seeing them again. Her bitterness twisted her into lashing out, but she made her peace in the end and reunited with her kids because of it. Read the brief but emotional history of... LIONHEART!

Spotlight On... WHITE TIGER V!

The White Tiger was one of the first Hispanic heroes published by Marvel Comics, spinning out of the Sons of the Tiger serial in Deadly Hands of Kung Fu. Hector Ayala had a troubled stint as a super-hero, though, with his secret identity revealed to the public, his family murdered by militants, and finally being wrongfully convicted of murder and dying as he fled the court house. His niece Angela del Toro was lost to the Hand's corruption after claiming the mantle, too. Therefore, Hector's youngest sister Ava Ayala had much to live up to and redeem when she became the latest White Tiger. Ava surprised many when she tamed the Tiger God itself and later rejected her patron entirely to fight on without powers at all. Through the highs and lows, she had truly earned her title.


Thanks to all that got involved in our Unusual Suspects 4! We've now updated the Article with the links and release order to all the Characters introduced as part of the our anniversary event!


Our Unusual Avenger was the last member to join before Onslaught and the renumbering of the original series. Masque was derivative of Madame Masque, one of a series of androids she used as avatars out in the world after becoming agoraphobic and paranoid. This Masque developed a sense of independence, but sought out Iron Man for aid right in the middle of The Crossing. The series was cancelled before her story could unfold, so Kurt Busiek later returned to her arc after Heroes Reborn to wrap up the tale of one of the shortest-lived Avengers ever.

Villain Team entry... LETHAL LEGION

While the Masters of Evil are more famous, the Lethal Legion have also harried the Avengers since their early days. Usually the minions of Count Nefaria or the Grim Reaper, the Legion tends to be in it for the money rather than personal vengeance or world domination. They maintained a colorful roster over the years, starring Avengers villains from Ultron to Whirlwind, and inspiring many imitation groups as well.

Spotlight On... the MASTER OF THE WORLD!

Every super team needs an arch nemesis, and Canada's Premiere Super-Heroes found theirs early on with a primitive human who, thanks to exotic alien technology, had become an incredibly powerful being bent on conquering the world... saving the world... wiping out most of humanity... creating the perfect world... creating the perfect race... and preventing climate change. Never one to miss an opportunity, this villain (or savior) was always prepared to adapt and get on with his next plot. Some would say he is a lunatic. Others would say he's a hero. He would say he is the Master!

Spotlight On... LIONHEART!

The lost Captain Britain, Kelsey Leigh emerged from a particularly controversial run on Avengers. Still, she represented an important question in Omniversal lore -- If potential Captains were always given a choice between the Sword of Might and the Amulet of Right, what happens when someone chooses the Sword and the path of violence? Tragically separated from her children as a result of her choice, Kelsey rejected the Captain Britain Corps and became Lionheart, joining with Albion and other Sword-bearers to reject the judgment of Roma and Brian Braddock. Ultimately, though, Kelsey learned how to reject the violence in her heart and was reunited with her children.