DOCTOR VOODOO: Page 7 of 9

Publication Date: 2nd May 2024
Written By: Monolith.
Image Work: Douglas Mangum.


Sometime later, the Brothers Drumm were brought back thanks to an unlikely ally… Victor von Doom. A magical event had inverted the personal axis of many heroes and villains, leading to a contrite Doctor Doom defending his kingdom against a vicious and bloodthirsty Scarlet Witch. Doom claimed he made “a Faustian pact with a demigod” to resurrect Doctor Voodoo, but the details were not forthcoming. Agamotto or the Vishanti are the most likely candidates, though. Daniel remained a corrupted spirit who blamed the Avengers for their woes, making the reunion between noble Jericho and bitter Daniel a strained one. Still, Daniel understood the stakes at play and was willing to do his part. To reverse the inversion, order and chaos had to be cast in equal parts by Doctor Doom and the Scarlet Witch. Daniel possessed Wanda and guided the artificially evil Scarlet Witch through the appropriate magicks to restore the heroes and villains to their true natures. [Avengers & X-Men: Axis #8-9]

Jericho Drumm was alive again, but the bond between him and Daniel was forever sundered. The twins who were once virtually two souls acting as one could no longer see eye-to-eye. Daniel decided he wanted to be resurrected as a living man once more, but Jericho refused to aid him in anything other than passing on completely to the afterlife. Daniel’s spirit left Jericho to roam freely in search of another means of achieving his ends, and depriving Doctor Voodoo of the abilities he long held thanks to Daniel’s presence. [Uncanny Avengers (3rd series) #7] While he was no longer Sorcerer Supreme, Jericho Drumm’s connection to the Loa and the spirits of the dead was stronger than ever. He continued to wield the Staff of Legba and used its magic as a more traditional spell-caster, combining a mastery of the mystic arts with his more specialized training as a voodoo practitioner.

Doctor Voodoo officially joined the Avengers, becoming part of their Unity Division as the team rebuilt itself following the inversion. Though her mind was restored, Wanda the Scarlet Witch had also learned Magneto was not her father, and she traveled to Counter-Earth with her brother Quicksilver to confront the High Evolutionary about her parentage. Rogue gathered Voodoo and the Unity Division to pursue Wanda and provide aid. Their journey was an arduous one, as one of the Evolutionary’s Knights interrupted Doctor Voodoo during his teleportation spell, scattering the team when they arrived on the other planet. Alone, Jericho met with the legion of unquiet dead on Counter-Earth and learned of the High Evolutionary’s crimes. Seeking genetic perfection, the Evolutionary raised entire civilizations then eradicated them when they proved unsatisfactory for his rigid expectations. The spirits cried out to be heard, and Voodoo conversed with Doniva, a daughter of the Evolutionary who was not spared his wrath either. Through his rituals, Jericho granted the millions of dead enough physical form to intervene on the High Evolutionary’s latest purge. Doctor Voodoo led the Evolutionary’s millions of victims as an army to torment their killer, and they played a key role in driving him from the world when the Avengers re-assembled. [Uncanny Avengers (2nd series) #1-5]

Doctor Voodoo remained active with the Avengers Unity Division as reality rebooted after the Incursions. The team’s roster shuffled quite a bit in the days to come, and Voodoo was particularly sad to see the Scarlet Witch depart. They stayed in touch, however, as confederates of Doctor Strange, who started having regular meetings of higher-level mages at the Bar With No Doors. [Doctor Strange (4th series) #1] Doctor Voodoo wasn’t as critical as other Avengers when Steve Rogers added Deadpool to the Unity Division. Still, their choice of abode at the old Schaeffer Theatre caused him some headaches. Once owned by the mob and used as a speakeasy in the 1920s, the Schaeffer had many old ghosts haunting it, which a Houngan Supreme could never tune out entirely. [Uncanny Avengers (3rd series) #1]

Jericho’s magic gave him a unique connection to the dead, which often became useful during his Avengers missions. In a battle with the Shredded Man in Boston, Quicksilver was smothered and killed by the plant-based villain. Doctor Voodoo kept his soul from fully departing the material plane, allowing the Avengers to revive Pietro before too much time had passed. [Uncanny Avengers (3rd series) #2-4] The Avengers chased the unstable Dane Whitman into Weirdworld, where the current Black Knight continued to experience the corruption from his Ebony Blade. Instead of fighting Whitman directly, Jericho summoned the spirits of former Black Knights, each just as addicted to possessing the sword as Whitman was. His own predecessors helped to overwhelm the Black Knight. However, once Jericho communed with the history of the blade and its patron, Merlyn, he helped the Avengers conclude that the cursed blade was still in the best of hands wielded by Dane Whitman. [Black Knight (3rd series) #1-5]

Doctor Voodoo made himself available to the magical forces of good on several occasions. When the mutant race was threatened by clouds of Terrigen Mist in the atmosphere, he joined several mages in transporting the X-Mansion to Limbo, where it could serve as a safe haven. [Extraordinary X-Men #8] He had the opportunity to fight alongside ones of his predecessors, the Department of the Uncanny’s voodoo practitioner Andre Gastrade, the Ghost Dancer. [Uncanny Avengers (3rd series) Annual #1] He was also one of Doctor Strange’s many allies when the science-driven inquisition of the Empirikul reached the Earth dimension and threatened to consume and eradicate all magic. Strange was already weakened when they arrived, for many of the extra-dimensional principalities who served as his patrons had already fallen to the Empirikul’s swath of destruction. Voodoo magic was Earth magic, though, localized to the land, its people and its artifacts. Doctor Voodoo fought longer and smarter, but he still fell. Even after the Empirikul were defeated, the power of magic would be weaker than normal for some time to come. [Last Days of Magic crossover]

The Avengers Unity Division soon played host to an uncomfortable return. Hank Pym, Giant-Man, was a founding member who fused with his evil creation Ultron months ago, screaming out into the vacuum of space in pain. Though the Avengers reached out to intergalactic contacts, they never found trace of him. Now, Hank returned to Earth claiming to have successfully merged with Ultron in a symbiotic partnership. It wasn’t long before the Avengers realized it was Ultron who had murdered Pym and was now effectively parading about in his skin. The battle that followed was devastating and personal, as Ultron was truly mad and intermittently believed he really was Hank, who blamed the Avengers for failing him.

Using a contingency plan for the Hulk, Doctor Voodoo and a small squad forced Ultron Pym aboard a Quinjet and planned to launch him into the sun. To buy time, Jericho used a spirit trap spell to bring the quasi-synthetic soul of Ultron to the Swamps of Ogun. A realm for the unresolved dead, Doctor Voodoo initially hoped the swamps would distract Ultron with the cries of his victims. Instead, Jericho learned the horrifying truth – Ultron had spent the last few months attacking alien worlds and had murdered billions. He made sure to leave the strongest victims alive believing the Avengers were responsible for the devastation of their civilizations. Ultron was dropped into the sun, but the atrocities he was responsible for would haunt the Avengers in the days to come. [Uncanny Avengers (3rd series) #9-12]

When Bruce Banner was killed, men like Tony Stark who knew too little about the voodoo arts petitioned Jericho to bring his friend back to life. Cheating death was never achieved without dire consequences, and Doctor Voodoo did his best to explain this. Still, Jericho did not take Daniel’s quest seriously, and soon his spiritual brother found the means of returning to life, dire consequences or not. In exchange for his resurrection, the corrupted Daniel sold the location of Banner’s body to the Hand, allowing the malevolent ninja clan to resurrect the Hulk as an agent of destruction. Daniel Drumm paid his brother a visit once he was alive again, stabbing a surprised Jericho in the guts and gloating about his deal before vanishing into the night. [Uncanny Avengers (3rd series) #14]

Doctor Voodoo marshaled his strength and called upon the Avengers to assemble, hoping there was time to prevent the Hulk’s return. With the help of Elektra, Deadpool’s contact in Japan, they found the stronghold of the Hand. It was too late, though, as a corrupted Hulk soon arose to rampage through Tokyo. While the others occupied the Hulk, Voodoo prepared the blood rites necessary to open a doorway into the dead lands. Once the Hulk was forced into his pentagram, Doctor Voodoo entered the spiritual plane to cleanse Banner of the Hand’s evil magic. A vessel for the Hand’s magic appeared to stop him, threatening to claim Daniel in Banner’s stead if the Hulk was removed from their power. Jericho would not be dissuaded and insisted Daniel had made his own choices. Voodoo cleansed the soul of Bruce Banner so he could pass on, and the Beast of the Hand told Jericho it would make sure to tell its new slave Daniel Drumm whom to blame. [Uncanny Avengers (3rd series) #15-17]

Jericho Drumm remained with the Avengers Unity Division even after Steve Rogers tried to disband the team because he couldn’t trust some of the members to follow his orders. The group remained loyal to each other and stayed together to defeat the telepathic Red Skull and help Doctor Voodoo when Daniel and the Hand returned to threaten New Orleans. [Uncanny Avengers (3rd series) #18-23] It turned out Rogers was the one who couldn’t be trusted, for he was actually a deep cover double agent for Hydra and used his position of trust to gain control over the country. Voodoo and most of the Unity Division were trapped in Manhattan behind a Darkforce dome for weeks while Rogers carried forward with his agenda. While trying to probe the dome, Doctor Voodoo was possessed by a shadow parasite from the Darkforce Dimension. His astral form had to bond with his teammate Synapse in order to force the invader out of his body and reclaim his physical flesh. [Secret Empire #0, Uncanny Avengers (3rd series) #24-25]