SHE-HULK: Page 15 of 18

Publication Date: 18th Aug 2022
Written By: Monolith.
Image Work: Douglas Mangum.

BIOGRAPHY - page 15

Jennifer had remained suspicious about Red Hulk and the circumstances surrounding Bruce’s incarceration. After his attack on Manhattan, Bruce had been taken into custody by S.H.I.E.L.D. and yet he somehow wound up at a “Gamma Base” run by his old enemy, General Thunderbolt Ross. She-Hulk started asking questions and uncovered a conspiracy that went deeper than she suspected. She recruited a trustworthy reporter, Ben Urich, to join her and Doc Samson in infiltrating Gamma Base. They discovered the Hulk’s former prison site was actually run by M.O.D.O.K. and A.I.M. using Life Model Decoys and Ross was apparently in league with them, along with the Red Hulk. Samson was revealed to be a sleeper agent with a second personality aligned with M.O.D.O.K., who revealed Jennifer’s presence. Banner had also been recaptured, and a fight between Hulk and Red Hulk led to the latter draining the former of all his gamma radiation, leaving Bruce unable to become the Hulk at all. The fighting compromised the base’s gamma core and the resulting explosion separated all the parties. Urich barely escaped, having no proof for his story. Of the She-Hulk, though, there was no trace. [Incredible Hulk (2nd series) #600]

She-Hulk was captured by her foes, which led to a number of consequences. M.O.D.O.K. and the Leader oversaw this conspiracy with their cabal of criminal geniuses, the Intelligencia. General Ross had allied himself with these criminals to plot a military coup of the country, and they used Samson’s old Cathexis ray to transfer cosmically-enriched gamma radiation from the captive Bruce Banner into Ross, turning him into the Red Hulk. A Ross LMD was used as a body double to hide the Red Hulk’s true identity. Now that Jen was in their clutches, the Intelligencia placed her in stasis and employed the Cathexis ray on her. As part of their deal with the general, Betty Ross was brought back to life by the Intelligencia. However, they used the Cathexis treatments drained from She-Hulk and Samson’s brainwashing skills to condition Betty as the new Red She-Hulk under their control. They manipulated Red She-Hulk into killing an LMD of Jen “trying to escape” in order to further shape Betty’s view of herself as a killer.

Additionally, Lyra had been training with Jennifer at A.R.M.O.R., and noted her absence. In search of Jen Walters, Lyra was approached by the Wizard of the Intelligencia. He wanted to recruit her for his Frightful Four, just like her mother Thundra once was. Lyra infiltrated the Intelligencia to find out what happened to Jennifer and was secretly contacted by Bruce Banner to coordinate their efforts. Red Hulk abandoned the Intelligencia as well and helped lead Banner and his allies to the “Hellcarrier,” re-commissioned by the villains after Red Hulk sank S.H.I.E.L.D.’s airship. During the invasion of the villains’ lair, Lyra took the opportunity to release She-Hulk from stasis. The Intelligencia used Cathexis rays to Hulk-out a platoon of A.I.Marines for their military coup, in addition to turning many of Banner’s super-heroes allies into uncontrollable mutates. Jen and Lyra convinced Betty to work with them, and together they held off the Hulked-Out Heroes. Everyone was returned to normal, Leader and M.O.D.O.K. were depowered, Banner re-powered and Red Hulk was finally defeated when he attempted to seize control of the military coup at the eleventh hour. Jen reunited with Bruce, and the Hulks were heralded as saviors of the country. [Fall of the Hulks crossover]

[Note: In Fall of the Hulks: Savage She-Hulks #2, Jennifer told Lyra how her mother died in a car crash and she avenged the death of her father after he was murdered by the gangster who shot her. This sounds like a distorted retelling of her origin, as Nick Trask was responsible for arranging both Jen’s shooting and the car crash that killed her mother, not her father. That said, Morris Walters hasn’t reappeared on panel in more than a decade since this issue – perhaps Trask really did return and kill She-Hulk’s father in some behind the scenes tale.]

After the Intelligencia were defeated and scattered, the Hulks were in relatively good standing with the authorities. Banner and Hulk were cooperating with each other mentally, and lightly associating with Steve Rogers for the common good. Hulk wanted to keep his “family” together, working with a team including Betty, Rick, Skaar, Jen and Lyra. She-Hulk worked with these “Hulks” to defend the Earth by smashing threats, fighting against several God-level threats and the tragic fate of Skaar’s insane twin brother, Hiro-Kala. [Incredible Hulks #612-623] Primarily, however, Bruce had tasked Jen with looking after Lyra. Bruce initially tried to get to know his daughter from the future, but Lyra had grown up in Thundra’s Sisterhood which found even the concept of a “father” revolting. Realizing he wasn’t what she needed, Bruce stepped back so Lyra could learn from Jen without his heavy hand getting in the way.

Jen and Lyra took up residence in New York City, putting distance between Bruce and Lyra while Jen commuted between the Hulk team and her new partner. The She-Hulks had a mission to locate the remaining free members of the Intelligencia and bring them to justice. Lyra was a soldier at heart and appreciated an objective, while Jennifer was looking for revenge for her time in captivity. Their targets included the Wizard, Trapster, Klaw, Red Ghost and the Mad Thinker. In the meantime, Jennifer and Bruce tried to give Lyra a chance of acclimating to the life of a normal teenaged girl in the timeline. She was enrolled in a local high school in between missions, with Jen serving as her guardian and “cool aunt.” Lyra’s secret identity fell apart rather quickly, and the mission schedule plus raising a teenager cooled Jennifer’s initial attempts to rebuild a relationship with Wyatt Wingfoot. [She-Hulks #1-4]

She-Hulk’s dance card continued to be full. Her team of Defenders was finally brought together by the retired Kyle Richmond to look into a mystery surrounding S.H.I.E.L.D.’s discontinued ExTechOp, Tiboro’s Realm, and the In-Betweener. [Vengeance #1-6] Curiously, at around the same time, Jen and Kyle (back as Nighthawk) were ALSO recruited along with Frankenstein’s Monster by Howard the Duck during the Serpent War. They became the Fearsome Four on a mission to prevent Man-Thing from going critical due to all the fear being stirred up around the globe. [Fear Itself: Fearsome Four #1-4] One of Jen’s most satisfying encounters around this time, however, was with the original Vision. Tony Stark finally managed to restore the synthezoid after Wanda’s chaos and he sought out She-Hulk. Jennifer was still horrified over the damage she caused Vision when she lost control, but Vision forgave her for Wanda’s manipulations, finally taking a tremendous burden off of Jennifer’s back. [Avengers (4th series) #24.1]

The She-Hulks and A-Bomb discovered a group of insane Mayan Gods who broke free from a crystal cage to pursue domination of the globe. [Hulk (2nd series) #30-31] While the Mayans were AWOL, Bruce and the Hulk drove away those closest to them, becoming a loner once more as the team of Hulks disbanded. [Incredible Hulks #630-635] Jen and Lyra were nearly killed when they tracked down one of the Mayan pyramids and were drained as living fuel for the Mayan pantheon’s resurrection. A-Bomb, with the help of Red Hulk and Alpha Flight, reversed the Mayans’ energy-draining rites and the She-Hulks were restored. [Hulk (2nd series) #53-57] Bruce was following his own path now, but he still loved Betty and asked Jen to look out for the Red She-Hulk if she ever needed help. When Betty confronted the military’s Echelon initiative, She-Hulk stepped in and began working alongside Betty and her patrons, the Ancient Order of the Shield. [Red She-Hulk #62-67]

Jen remained an on-call super-hero and was summoned to action by the Avengers during the Phoenix affair. [Avengers vs. X-Men event] Her next steady gig came almost by accident during a sparring match with Ben Grimm. The Thing and the Fantastic Four were planning an educational vacation through space-time with the kids. According to Reed’s math, they would return only four minutes after they left. In the interest of caution, however, he wanted a replacement Fantastic Four in place to look after the Baxter Building and the rest of the children learning at the Future Foundation. Jen agreed to sub for Ben and joined the Fantastic Four alongside Ant-Man, Queen Medusa of the Inhumans and Darla Deering, a highly-successful pop star and the woman Johnny Storm was sleeping with (and therefore looking at) when he realized he had forgotten to find a fourth substitute. As one might expect, four minutes came and went and the Fantastic Four did not return as expected. [Fantastic Four (4th series) #1-2, FF (2nd series) #1-2]

She-Hulk and the substitutes settled into their new roles as best they could, trying to keep the Future Foundation and the public’s spirits up about the fate of the original FF. One day, a man resembling an old John Storm came back through Reed’s wormhole nexus, claiming the Fantastic Four had been killed by Doom the Annihilating Conqueror, an unthinkable merger of Doctor Doom, Kang and Annihilus. Jen called in Wyatt Wingfoot to assess this slightly mad version of Johnny, but Wyatt’s assessment was that Old John was the genuine article. Ant-Man and the Future Foundation came together to decide what they would do to prevent the rise of the Conqueror. In the meantime, Jen and Wyatt got reacquainted over dinner. Despite (or perhaps because of) the interference of the FF’s Moloid kids, dinner turned into a true reconnection between the two old flames. [FF (2nd series) #3-4]

Another Future Foundation student was Bentley-23, a young clone of the Wingless Wizard. The adult Wizard had a twisted view of family and reassembled his Frightful Four with his former associate Medusa mind-controlled into kidnapping Bentley and helping to shift the Baxter Building into the Negative Zone. After Medusa was freed and the villains defeated, the Queen of Attilan attended an Inhuman trial where she presented herself to be judged for failing to protect the children under her care. When the Inhuman royal family (her friends and cousins) refused to challenge her and declared they were satisfied with her trustworthiness, She-Hulk scoffed at the “show trial” and the lack of even the pretense of potential consequences for Medusa. A shamed and angry Medusa came to She-Hulk later and offered her the chance to make her case. The two women lost their tempers and fought fiercely, but soon put aside their differences for the good of the children, for now. [FF (2nd series) #5-8]

More information came forward about others who had encountered the original Fantastic Four on their space-time trek. Doom had kidnapped the parents of Alex Power, however, and tried to force the Future Foundation student to assassinate Old John Storm before he revealed too much. [FF (2nd series) #9-12] Ant-Man faked a transporter accident to bring the Future Foundation to the Watcher’s home on the Blue Area of the Moon, removing them from easy detection by Doom and his spies so they could plan without being watched. Jen and the FF put together an elaborate plan for taking down Doctor Doom, while keeping the children safe and saving Alex’s parents. Doom the Annihilating Conqueror was fated to happen in most realities but, thanks to their intervention, Doom only held the power for a few minutes before being utterly humbled. The original Fantastic Four returned, safe and sound, having defeated another reality’s iteration of the Annihilating Conqueror at the same time, in part thanks to Old John Storm moving between the two timelines. All was well, and so She-Hulk and the replacement Fantastic Four finally stepped down to allow their predecessors to return to action. [FF (2nd series) #13-16]