WICCAN: Page 5 of 7

Publication Date: 25th Jun 2020
Written By: Monolith.
Image Work: Douglas Mangum.


Although Billy began to recover emotionally, he still stood by his decision to retire from super-heroics. He and Teddy settled into their life together, for the Kaplans had allowed Teddy to move in with them since the loss of his mother (albeit still in a separate bedroom). However, Billy's friends could not accept his retirement for themselves, with Hawkeye and Hulkling both going out fighting crime behind his back. Billy caught Teddy sneaking back into the house one night, and expressed again how much they had lost. Hulkling finally broke and pointed out that, with Wanda, Billy now had three parents while Teddy had lost the only parent he had ever known, and two more that he never got to meet. Teddy told Billy he still loved him, but reminded Billy that he fell in love “with a super-hero.”

That night, Billy impulsively decided to fix things for Teddy. He used his powers to scan through various realities, looking for versions of Teddy's mother. He wanted to find a reality similar enough to their own where Ms. Altman was on the brink of death, allowing him to “snatch” her away into his reality without interfering with the flow of the second one. Billy seemingly found what he was looking for, and essentially brought Ms. Altman back to life for Teddy. Joy soon turned to sorrow, however, as Teddy's mother turned out to be something else altogether.

“Mother” proved to be an inter-dimensional parasite, one who used the image of Teddy's mom as a lure to draw Billy into transporting her into his dimension. Her uniquely toxic presence shielded her from the minds of adults, causing everyone from Billy's parents to the Avengers to ignore her actions and the consequences of her actions as if they were the norm. Youths could recognize Mother for what she was, but adults could not. To them, a pitched battle between young super-heroes and an extra-dimensional morphing entity just looked like an average mother dealing with unruly children. Mother could also corrupt parents particularly, turning them into extensions of her power, acting as her avatars in carrying out her schemes. Wiccan tried to banish Mother back to where she came but, because his power was used in summoning her, Mother could create a power loop to wield Billy's own power against him and ensure her continued presence.

Wiccan and Hulkling were grounded by the Avengers when they tried to seek help, and Mother banished them into her own dimension so she could feed off of Wiccan's power indefinitely. They were rescued by Kid Loki, a preteen reincarnation of the Asgardian God of Mischief. Hijinks ensued, where they were attacked back on Earth by Loki's dead father, Laufey, then saved by Miss America Chavez only to be attacked again by her deceased mothers. Even these dead parents seemed to act as extensions of Mother's power.

After teleporting to momentary safety, Loki tried to explain. America warned Wiccan and Hulkling not to trust Loki, revealing Loki had tried to get her to kill Billy earlier, so she had been watching out for him ever since. Loki claimed he wanted to prevent Billy from connecting with the Mother parasite, and had been using reverse psychology on America to get her involved. He claimed he had tried to interfere with Billy's spell to prevent Mother from coming through to this dimension. Instead, his efforts tied them all to the spell, causing their parents (dead or otherwise) to manifest as well. Billy could banish Mother by ending his spell, but as a Catch-22, his powers would remain unreliable as long as she was in the Earth dimension as a result of that same spell. Loki offered three options to stop Mother: Billy could kill himself, Billy could spend time with Loki learning to control his powers with finesse even at reduced levels, or Billy could lend Loki his power to alter reality. Loki had the finesse to wield magic from his earlier incarnation, but his current body didn't have the raw power to tap into, the exact opposite of Wiccan's current problems.

Billy still didn't trust Loki enough to lend him ANY power, and the discussion was tabled when Mother found them. Hawkeye and her new boy Marvel Boy found them and made a heroic rescue, but now they were running from every parent in New York City, including the reincarnated parents of America and Marvel Boy, now that Loki/Wiccan's spell had spread to them as well. Things got dire in Central Park where they made their stand, and Wiccan desperately cast a spell to give Loki his power for 10 minutes. And so, Loki immediately disappeared and seemingly left them in the lurch.

Billy was prepared to kill himself in order to end the spell holding Mother and her power to Earth. However, Loki did return, having prepared a spell with Wiccan's power to temporarily supercharge the Young Avengers so they could disperse the super-parents. It was decided they would take up the long-term plan of Loki teaching Wiccan to use his magic more effectively, but they would have to abandon New York and Mother's sphere of influence in order to do so. Wiccan's spell tied Mother to that location and their parents, meaning staying away from both meant Mother could not manifest physically on their plane anymore. Wiccan tearfully called his parents to tell them he was leaving but, because of Mother's spell, all they could understand was that he was running away from home, making it an agonizing call for Billy. [Young Avengers (2nd series) #1-5]

Over the next few months, Wiccan and the Young Avengers had a number of adventures around the world and in space thanks to Marvel Boy's Kree ship. Wiccan trained with Loki to improve his control over his powers, and the ability to cast more potent spells despite his power levels being held down by Mother. They were eventually contacted by Prodigy, formerly of the X-Men, who told the group Billy's brother Speed had been kidnapped by a ghostly entity wearing Patriot's old costume. With Loki's divination and America's star-portals, they began following the not-Patriot's trail through the multiverse, hunting for Tommy. The trail was a long and winding one, bringing the Young Avengers through “mayfly dimensions” that went bad, meeting corrupt or insane versions of themselves and people they knew.

While on Speed's trail, they landed in one of the realities of the Demiurge. Billy was surprised to see his own face etched out in the stars of the sky. Loki and America were forced to come clean about Wiccan's future destiny to become the next Demiurge, a cosmically powerful lifeform able to rewrite the rules of magic forwards and backwards in time itself. America Chavez was from the Utopian Parallel, a reality empowered by their Demiurge, meaning her powers were derived from Billy's, who was essentially a god to her people. It was this ultimate potential that Mother (...and Loki?) were really after to steal from Wiccan.

The chase came to an abrupt conclusion when not-Patriot guided them into Mother's home dimension. In their panicked rush through America's next portal to escape, Hulkling and Prodigy were left behind. The Young Avengers made a desperate plan to backtrack through the mayfly dimensions they had stirred up before. They allowed these crazed doppelgangers to follow them through their portals, emerging back into Mother's dimension at the crest of a wave of trouble that even Mother was distracted by temporarily. Wiccan reunited with Hulkling and together everyone got out of the dimension safely this time.