SQUIRREL GIRL: Page 4 of 5

Publication Date: 2nd Dec 2021
Written By: Monolith.
Image Work: Douglas Mangum.

BIOGRAPHY - page 4

Squirrel Girl, Goddess of Thunder, quickly used the power of Mjolnir to retrieve the heroes from the Negative Zone and bring them back to defeat Allene. Doreen was crushed to learn what Tippy had sacrificed for her, and found the tiny squirrel dying on the warehouse floor. Doreen refused to let Tippy die, and commanded the assembled heroes to do what was necessary to save her life. Tippy slowly recovered, as did the world from Allene’s attack. Squirrel Girl’s clone was kept in high security prison until she asked to speak to Doreen. Allene had finally learned the value of compromise, and she had an offer for Doreen and S.H.I.E.L.D. Allene and her duplicate squirrels would be exiled to the Negative Zone to explore it, to guard against threats reaching Earth and to build the squirrel utopia she had dreamed of forging on Earth. With the assent of Doreen and Tony Stark, Allene and her squirrels were sent on this interminable mission on behalf of Earth, turning her drive towards something more productive for humanity. [Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe]

Looking for a vacation after all the trouble with Allene, Doreen and Nancy agreed to go spend a weekend with Maureen in a rustic Canadian cabin. They left New York in the hands of Chipmunk Hunk, Koi Boi and the newly super-heroic Brain Drain (and literally hundreds of other heroes) to get some R&R. However, a self-replicating Deviant named Enigmo chose that very weekend to take over the U.S. and Canada with his army of identical bodies. Brain Drain kidnapped Ant-Man and brought him to Squirrel Girl to plot a heist to steal America back. They met a “good” Enigmo who diverged from the conqueror before the decision to conquer was made. Through a complicated scheme, Doreen and her allies tricked the evil Enigmos into all merging together and then with the good Enigmo, allowing his viewpoint and perspective to make them give up their dream of conquest. [Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2nd series) #12-14]

Meanwhile, with a bit of rebranding, Roberto Dacosta transformed the Avengers Idea Mechanics into the American Intelligence Mechanics. Squirrel Girl and the field team of U.S. Avengers were now working under S.H.I.E.L.D.’s authority. With the Squirrel Scouts by her side, Doreen fought for America against the Secret Empire and in a trans-temporal team-up with Captain America 20XX to capture the Golden Skull. [U.S. Avengers #1-3]

At Empire State University, Doreen attended a lecture on developer responsibility by Melissa Morbeck, a billionaire tech guru and ESU alumnus. She saw promise in Doreen’s responses, and invited her to tea at her lodgings. Once they were alone, Melissa confided in Doreen that she knew Doreen was Squirrel Girl, and Melissa also had the ability to communicate with animals. She was impressed with Doreen’s decision to use her power responsibly, and wanted to support her further. Melissa had some ideas and, one jet packed costume later, Doreen discovered she was now the Unbeatable Flying Squirrel Girl! Doreen thought the new suit was great, and was delighted to find herself with a new mentor. [Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2nd series) #17]

Nancy became suspicious of Melissa Morbeck’s intentions, and tricked her into revealing she had lied to Doreen. It turned out Melissa couldn’t literally talk to animals, but rather she built subcutaneous microchips that allowed her to transmit commands directly into their brains. By selling these “tracking chips” to zoos, vets offices and so on, she created a massive animal army at her beck and call. Melissa’s view of power and responsibility translated into the right to wield power if you had it. She had hoped to convince Doreen to to share her views. In fact, it was Melissa who arranged for Doreen (and Tomas and Ken) to receive scholarships bringing them all to ESU where she could keep track of animal-talking heroes as she reverse-engineered her microchips based on her knowledge of their abilities. Doreen’s adventure with Ant-Man even gave her the idea how to miniaturize the tech she needed to transmit her commands.

Once it was clear Doreen and the others wouldn’t join her, Melissa escaped and crafted a new plot to get Doreen out of the way. She announced to the public that Doctor Doom was attacking New York with a swarm of mosquitoes carrying deadly diseases. Her “Doom” was actually a bear in fake armor. Her plan was to frame Squirrel Girl for orchestrating the entire event to look like a hero, ruining Doreen’s reputation. Then, Melissa would step in using patented Morbeck technology to “jam” Squirrel Girl’s control of the animals and direct them herself, claiming the credit. While Doreen and the boys kept Melissa’s “freed” animals occupied, though, Nancy and Mary constructed an EMP to disable Melissa’s control equipment. Although Melissa tried to play it up as if Squirrel Girl was still the culprit, a series of vouches on Doreen’s behalf from multiple super-heroes convinced the police to arrest Melissa Morbeck instead. The mind-control microchips were found and removed, and Melissa went to prison. [Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2nd series) #18-20]

The U.S. Avengers faced their greatest crisis when S.H.I.E.L.D. was corrupted from within by a version of Captain America loyal to Hydra. Most of the team was captured as Hydra took over America. Toni Ho manipulated Enigma’s armor to jump Aikku and Squirrel Girl away from Hydra territory to Paris, France. Doreen and Aikku met with the Champions of Europe and arranged a resistance movement to prevent Hydra from extending their tentacles into France. Squirrel Girl fought alongside Captain Britain, Peregrine, Ares and other heroes until Hydra was brought down and the world was freed from their grasp. [Secret Empire event]

S.H.I.E.L.D. fell in the aftermath of Hydra’s plot, and so A.I.M. and the U.S. Avengers severed their direct ties with the U.S. government. [U.S. Avengers #10-12] Doreen and her team remained together for a time independently, and were part of a massive Avengers gathering during the match between the Grandmaster and the Challenger. Squirrel Girl was frozen in stasis like most of Earth’s heroes until Quicksilver disabled the beacon, releasing her to fight in the final battle against Challenger. Her tactical observations aided Falcon and the other Avengers in the fight against Challenger. Afterwards, though, the various Avengers teams disbanded to rest and recuperate for the foreseeable future. [Avengers (1st series) #675-690]

Doreen and Nancy entered a contest for computer programmers and won a trip to the Savage Land. They marveled at the beauty of the hidden tropical preserve deep in Antarctica, riding dinosaurs and learning about the ancient alien technology that kept the Savage Land whole. The United Nations outpost running the contest then revealed the true purpose behind their visit: the Savage Land’s environmental preservation technology was actually breaking down. Self-repair robots that normally maintained the alien tech had gone missing, and pieces of the tech itself were disappearing. The conclusion was that the bots were working in reverse for some reason to dismantle the equipment. The conservationists hoped that the greatest computer programmers in the world (…willing to enter a magazine contest) could find a way to interface with the alien programming code guiding the repair bots and put them back on track.

While visiting the work zone at night, Doreen and Nancy discovered components were actively going missing from the repair projects as well. They soon ran across a Tyrannosaurus rex Ultron harvesting from the machinery. A fragment of Ultron’s self-repairing body had landed in the Savage Land after a battle with the Avengers and began rebuilding itself, using local fauna to guide his design and local materials for building. As awesome as a robot T-Rex was, the deadly unstoppable robot gave Squirrel Girl an incredibly tough fight. She even brought out her rarely used knuckle spikes as non-conductive weapons to combat Ultron’s electrical attacks. Ultron fought dirty, however, and captured Kraven from his nearby battle with the Poachmaster General to use him as a hostage against Squirrel Girl. Kraven and Squirrel Girl teamed up against Ultron while Nancy rallied the programmers to craft a virus that would shut him down. They succeeded, and Squirrel Girl jammed a USB stick into Ultron’s robot dinosaur hide to bring his rampage to a halt. [Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2nd series) #22-25]

One night, Nancy and Tippy-Toe went missing from the apartment, and Doreen had to hunt down what happened to them. She made contact with Loki, the new Sorcerer Supreme, who had befriended Nancy during the attack of Ratatoskr. As Loki’s spell-casting located Nancy on the far side of the universe, they were attacked by Dormammu, traditional enemy of the Sorcerer Supreme. When Dormammu let it slip that he was powered by the aggrieved souls of the dead in this plane, however, Doreen saw an opportunity. Knowing about the historical massacre of the Great Squirrel Migration, she coached Loki into summoning up hundreds of thousands of squirrel ghosts ready to fight against Dormmamu. The Dread One was driven into retreat, and so Loki and Squirrel Girl were free to seek out Nancy.

With the help of Drax from the Guardians of the Galaxy and their ship, Doreen reached the planet of Chitt-crrt. It turned out a race of alien squirrels had been warned that Galactus would soon arrive to devour their planet. Having learned that Tippy-Toe (and her human friend, Doreen) had successfully defended Earth from Galactus, they kidnapped Tippy (and Nancy, by happenstance) to learn her secret. However, Nancy reasoned out that the “Silver Surfer” who arrived on Chitt-crrt to “herald” Galactus’ coming was actually bogus. A group of amoral space bros had painted up one of their bros all silver, and blackmailed planets into giving up all their riches in exchange for the “Silver Surfer” leading Galactus to a different planet instead.

Squirrel Girl and the others decided to make an example of the space bros, but things became complicated when the real Silver Surfer showed up and Doreen mistook him for the fake one. After realizing her mistake and apologizing, Squirrel Girl and Silver Surfer debated how to punish the scam artists. They were interrupted by an armada of dozens of alien races united by their hatred of the “Silver Surfer” and his thieving ways. Commander Sootori of the fleet quickly understood their mistake when the Surfer and Doreen pointed out the fake Surfer had never once displayed the Power Cosmic (and… looked like crap). Unfortunately, vengeance was the only thing holding the fleet together, and Sootori feared the 76 planets would turn on each other once they learned how embarrassingly they had been deceived.

The Silver Surfer transported Squirrel Girl and Nancy aboard the flagship, and Doreen went to work using her empathy and problem-solving skills to help fix every outstanding grievance between the 76 worlds. While she was occupied, Nancy located a fragment of the Power Cosmic, which had been harvested by the fleet for the purpose of powering their weapons to kill the Silver Surfer. Imbued with the Power Cosmic, Nancy returned to Chitt-crrt to enact just punishment on the space bros. However, the bros proved completely immune to rehabilitation or appreciating the consequences of their actions, showing no empathy towards the people they fleeced. Juiced up on cosmic power, Nancy was enraged and ready to hurt or even kill the bros to teach them a lesson. Doreen and the Surfer intervened, and Squirrel Girl talked Nancy down with a speech about might not making right. The space bros were sent to space prison, Nancy gave up the Power Cosmic and everybody returned to Earth (or wherever). [Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2nd series) #27-30]

Squirrel Girl and pals confronted the rather ridiculous EpicCrimez while he was live-streaming his crime spree at a local mall. The super-villain unleashed a weapon he barely understood, accidentally trapping Doreen and Nancy in an accelerated state of hypertime, with the entire world virtually frozen around them. Despite the fact that they would now die of old age before the end of the weekend, Doreen and Nancy took this in stride. They borrowed books and equipment on time travel from Tony Stark to learn how to build a solution, while casually stopping all crimes or dangers in the city. Decades passed, with only each other as company. As old age settled in, Nancy finally decided she wouldn’t crack the secret of time travel. Instead, she discovered a data chip in EpicCrimez’s time gun that stored their bio signatures. Doreen and Nancy were restored to the proper flow of space-time, their minds and bodies back to the point they were when the time gun struck them. Doreen and Nancy were left wondering what their lives had been like together in hypertime, and they hoped to make things just as interesting now that they had a “do-over.” [Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2nd series) #31]