GWENPOOL: Page 6 of 6

Publication Date: 27th Aug 2020
Written By: Monolith.
Image Work: Douglas Mangum.


With her series ending, Gwenpool went looking for other opportunities to continue her narrative. She responded to an ad in Los Angeles by Kate Bishop (the "real" Hawkeye) for other heroes, and ended up joining the new incarnation of the West Coast Avengers. This ad hoc team had formed out of Kate's detective agency with her friends and loved ones after Los Angeles began attracting too much super-villain activity for her to handle alone. Gwen's powers no longer seemed to function in this title, however. She soon became concerned that she had been rebooted in order to better fit a team dynamic.

To avoid being reduced to a background character (or cut from the book entirely), Gwen started an antagonistic relationship with Quentin Quire, the Omega-class mutant psychic on the team for his powers and his money (definitely not for his personality). This stereotypically led to a mutual attraction between the two. Gwen also adopted a bio-engineered land shark she named Jeff, a cuddly little eating machine that she promised to get rid of if he ever bit someone other than a super-villain. The West Coast Avengers battled a number of villains, such as the Temple of the Shifting Sun, a West Coast Masters of Evil and even an LA version of Gwenpool's old boss, B.R.O.D.O.K. (Bio-Robotic Organism Designed Overwhelmingly for Kissing). Gwen and Quentin began officially dating after a time, despite his confusion about her power loss and... perspective... on reality. [West Coast Avengers (3rd series) #1-10]

During the War of the Realms, the dark forces of the Ten Realms under Malekith the Accursed invaded Earth. North America was ceded to the conquering Frost Giants of Jotunheim, and the West Coast Avengers fought to maintain order in Los Angeles. They were visited by the neighboring Superior Spider-Man of San Francisco, who wanted to take the fight directly to Svartalfheim and end the threat at its source. "Spider-Ock" Otto Octavius convinced the team to go along with him, but they ultimately failed to do much to influence the outcome of the war. Gwenpool had some relatively sage advice for SpOck that, when big events happen, sometimes you're a main title and sometimes you're just a tie-in. [Superior Spider-Man (2nd series) #7-8]

After the cancellation of her own series and West Coast Avengers Vol. 3, Gwen became afraid of what would happen if she faded into obscurity. She worried she would be written off as a short-lived meme of a character who lost her following, and would inevitably get sacrificed as a casualty of some big event herself, or even retconed out of existence. With Doctor Strange having magically tied her existence to this dimension, she felt she couldn't even go home if she wanted to. Finding herself the focus of a limited series, Gwenpool resolved to make a lasting impression on the Marvel Universe in order to keep herself relevant to the rules of this reality.

Gwenpool's first display was to stage a bank robbery in New York, drawing the attention of Spider-Man. She nearly exposed his identity as Peter Parker to the public while trying to get him to bite her. Gwen hoped she'd get radioactive spider-powers too, and that super-powers would make her more useful in team books where her fourth wall-breaking abilities were less viable. Web-tied by Spider-Man after her antics, Gwenpool was surprised to discover new applications for her abilities. By having a "flashback,” she could imagine things into existence retroactively. This happened by creating comic panels from her thought bubbles that showed previous events which never happened, but now did, because she willed them to happen. She traveled back in time from the gutter space to earlier in her own issue to rescue herself from Spider-Man, and set out to make further marks on the Marvel Universe. [Gwenpool Strikes Back #1]

Gwenpool and Deadpool teamed up to raise her star power with guest appearances and sex appeal. She decided to make out with a member of the Fantastic Four for shock value and further relationship ties for her character. (She also very quickly broke up with Quentin Quire. Over text. Hey, this is serious business... her life is on the line!) The invasion of 4 Yancy Street went... pretty badly, all things considered. Sue Richards caught her grabbing Reed's face for a smoocharoo, and hijinks ensued. Deadpool also turned against her for a little while once he learned she accosted his friend Spider-Man and threatened his secret identity. Gwen made peace with Deadpool and fled the Fantastic Four before the cops arrived, but failed to make a major impact on her sales. [Gwenpool Strikes Back #2]

Feeling like pages were running out on her limited series (and therefore her time to prove she deserved to exist), Gwen stepped up her game. She used flashbacks to acquire a vast sum of money and build her own island fortress retreat, while faking a request from the Make-A-Wish foundation for a dying kid's favorite super-heroes to play beach volleyball at the isolated location. Instead, Gwenpool pulled an "Arcade" and planned to have the heroes fight to the finish, with her emerging from the competition as the final champion and proving herself as a force to be reckoned with in the Marvel Universe. Gwen stocked the island with classic heroes, stereotyped sex appeal characters for the beach party and young heroes for street cred with modern audiences.

Gwen did her best to avoid causing real harm to anyone. Harmful lasers were in place to force compliance on anyone who tried to avoid fighting when called upon to do so. However, forfeits or injuries would automatically be transported to the shielded VIP booth where her friends from M.O.D.O.K. and the West Coast Avengers were already chilling. She also conjured up a massive cash prize donated (retroactively) by Tony Stark as further incentive to play along. Squirrel Girl was totally willing to help Gwenpool out by automatically forfeiting (since she's Unbeatable) and she took some of the younger recruits to the VIP room with her so they wouldn't get hurt. All of which is fine except for Gwen's final incentive... she kidnapped Bruce Banner in her flashbacks as well, brought him to the island and shot him in the head at sundown to kick off the battle royale. This caused a fighting mad Immortal Hulk to emerge and, as random chance would have it, Gwenpool's first match would be against the Hulk. [Gwenpool Strikes Back #3]

While pandering to the readers to keep their attention, Gwenpool was caught off-guard and slammed hard by the Hulk. So hard, in fact, Gwen was knocked out of the panels of her comic and into her gutter space. Despite her concussion, Gwenpool had an idea on how to beat the Hulk. Accessing her comic book history through the gutter space, Gwen retrieved versions of herself from Unbelievable Gwenpool #12, West Coast Avengers (3rd series) #1, Rocket Raccoon and Groot #9, Superior Spider-Man (2nd series) #7, and Champions (2nd series) #5. Each Gwen was still Gwen, but slightly different in style, temperament and attitude due to being written by different writers at the time. (Gwen Prime from Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #2 refused, however. So mysterious of her!)

While the Gwenpool Corps stalled the Hulk, Gwen went continuity spelunking to find the perfect weapon to use against the Green Goliath. She retrieved the severed arm of Thor from Malekith elsewhere in comics, and used it to temporarily borrow the Mjolnir of Thor on Gwen Island. Able to wield the power of Mjolnir through this Worthiness "cheat,” Gwen used the hammer to expel Hulk from the island, effectively winning her match. However, this meant that the final battle of the series would be between the last two heroes standing: Gwenpool and Ms. Marvel. [Gwenpool Strikes Back #4]

Gwen tried to start the fight, but Kamala Khan wasn't having any of it. Ms. Marvel could tell that (behind the manic activity and word vomit) Gwen was genuinely scared and not okay. Instead of beating each other up, Kamala offered Gwen a friendly ear. She acknowledged Gwenpool had powers she couldn't account for, but questioned whether Gwen was really from a reality where everybody she knew were comic book characters. Instead, Kamala offered an alternate theory: Gwen was a young woman who recently developed vast powers over reality that she couldn't explain or control, very much like a mutant's first manifestation. What if Gwen's mutant power over reality was so great, she couldn't properly visualize the information it was feeding her? Instead, she created the "comic book reality" fiction to explain what she was seeing and what she could do. Whether or not Kamala was right when she started talking, Gwen began visualizing the scenario Kamala described. This created a flashback that might, technically, mean Gwen was a mutant now as a result of her own retroactive reality altering, even if she wasn't a mutant to begin with.

Overcome by Kamala's kindness, Gwenpool forfeited her contest and let Ms. Marvel win. Gwen was still sure she was not a mutant, and that her limited series was coming to a close. She retreated into the gutter space, waiting to be erased from existence. Instead, a Krakoan gate materialized in the gutter space, giving her a figurative and literal way out. She arrived on the island nation-state for mutantkind and, as far as the X-Men, Krakoa and Marvel Comics were concerned, she was now a mutant. (Unlike that witch, Kitty Pryde. HA!) Gwen was reunited with Quentin Quire, who seemed to forgive her for breaking up with him over text. Still convinced she wasn't originally a mutant, Gwenpool nevertheless embraced this new origin and the genuine future it gave her in the Marvel Universe. [Gwenpool Strikes Back #5]

Until the next Crisis.