Wait. What are those words doing there? Who's typing this? Hello?
Gwen's life back home did seem to turn a corner after that. She found a job working at a movie theatre, and was preparing to save up and go to college to develop her writing. Her parents were supportive now that she had a plan, and her dad even got tickets at a charity brunch for her to meet some of her favorite writers at New York Comic Con. The only problem was, Gwen was increasingly aware of being in a comic book. She could see narration boxes, feel the sudden jolt from scene changes, and even started to reach beyond the fourth wall. By using a stream of consciousness to make her narration boxes big enough to reach, Gwen's box accidentally forced her out a window. Gwen's parents hospitalized her on suicide watch, for fear she would do something to hurt herself.
Gwen became increasingly convinced there was something wrong with her reality. Furthermore, she noticed how suspicious Teddy's behavior was whenever she approached the topic. Practicing alone by herself, Gwen learned to not only see the panel borders around her, but also to touch them, erase them, or move between them. This awakening allowed her to leave the comic panels entirely and enter the gutter space, the white area between the panels. Outside of her immediate reality, Gwenpool regained her memories and outfitted herself to find out what was happening. From this perspective, Gwenpool could see her own personal space and time as comic book pages, spread out all around her. [Unbelievable Gwenpool #17]
By observing the flashback pages from the start of her next issue, Gwenpool learned what had happened to Teddy. Like her, Teddy had arrived in the Marvel Universe believing she had died in transit. Not thinking to live like a super-hero as Gwen did, Teddy found it hard to live or hold a job without any proof of his existence. He was present to see Gwenpool's early adventure against Orto, but was horrified to see his sister psychotically gun down human beings without remorse. He was approached by a trio of time travelers, future versions of Miles Morales, Vincent Doonan and the Terrible Eye, who wanted his help in containing Gwen before she became a menace. Gwen folded herself back into the Poole family home to confront Teddy. Using her new perspective and abilities, Gwen revealed they had never gone back in time, but were still in the comic book universe, a fantasy pocket reality created to contain them. [Unbelievable Gwenpool #18]
The future trio revealed themselves at this time, perturbed that their scheme had failed. In fact, their efforts to seal Gwen away had apparently been responsible for awakening the very abilities they feared she would develop later. Gwenpool was willing to listen to the future trio about her dark future, despite their manipulations, since she had no desire to really hurt anyone. However, when they started talking about wiping her memories and further containment, Gwen fled. Gwen entered the gutter space again and folded herself to what looked like an establishing shot in a distant jungle. As the future Sorceress Supreme, though, the Terrible Eye's tracking and teleporting abilities made running an unsuccessful strategy. Spider-Man got fed up with the other two tossing around ineffectual ways of containing Gwen's future, and he abducted her. Miles explained to Gwen that her future self was responsible for revealing his identity, causing the death of his wife and family, and generally reveling in the chaos she created. Miles was prepared to kill the younger Gwen to save his family, but his recap had created a flashback. For a self-aware comic book character, being present in a flashback was the same as being really there, and Evil Future Gwenpool (“EFG”) stepped out of the future and into the present. [Unbelievable Gwenpool #19]
The EFG tried to convince Gwenpool to join the dark side, in order to preserve the existence of her own dark future timeline. EFG explained to Gwen that she wasn't a foreign body in the Marvel Universe anymore, but was truly a comic book character herself now. And, like a comic book character, Gwen didn't technically know anything about her life from before her first appearance, or that hadn't been retconned into her history by flashbacks. The "sleep study" experiment wasn't even her original origin... it was just her origin now. Because of all this, Gwenpool's actions and reality manipulating powers in the comic book universe were still bound by the decisions of Marvel editorial: there were things she simply could not do, or that would be undone as soon as she did them. To demonstrate, Evil Future Gwenpool murdered Spider-Man in front of Gwen, without a shred of remorse. They then traveled to the gutter space together and observed editorial forces in action. New pages came into existence where Miles Morales woke up in bed, having just finished a dream sequence where he was killed by Gwenpool.
As Evil Future Gwenpool explained it, nothing she did really mattered or had consequences, so she might as well have fun with it. As someone created with all the secret knowledge of Marvel's heroes, she fit the mold of a villain more than a hero. And it worked -- in the gutter space Evil Gwen could show herself their future in comic pages, hundreds of new pages chronicling their adventures trailing off into the distance. Her speech had the opposite effect on Gwen than intended, though. Seeing this dark mirror of herself drove home the point of how callous she had been towards the lives of people in the Marvel Universe when she first arrived. They weren't just characters on a page, they were real people and deserved respect. Gwenpool attacked Evil Future Gwenpool in the gutter space, vowing to never become what EFG had become. Gwen meant it, for Evil Gwen faded away and, with her, the pages representing Gwen's dark future. [Unbelievable Gwenpool #20]