CABLE: Page 2 of 11

Publication Date: 9th Apr 2018
Written By: Peter Luzifer and Monolith.
Image Work: Peter Luzifer and Gremlin.


Though many details of Dayspring's life over the following decades are unclear, things were never as simple as merely Clan Chosen versus the New Canaanites. Stryfe also gathered power and rose into the public eye as the Chaos-Bringer, cloaked in a metallic helmet and armor so that Dayspring never knew his true face. Stryfe warred with the New Canaanites as often as alongside them, seeking to reclaim his position as heir to Apocalypse's throne with his soldiers, the Scions of the High Lord. In one encounter, Stryfe managed to disable Dayspring with a psionic sickness after forcibly extracting the Professor from his system. Only the intervention of Dayspring's future counterpart, Cable, prevented him from dying that night. By this point, Aliya had taken the battle-name of Jenskot after the legendary "first ones", and her relationship with Dayspring progressed into full romance. [Cable (1st series) #25]

After the extended reign of En Sabah Nur, anti-mutant sentiment also flared back into life in the form of the Alliance of Humanity, fanatics who employed genetically-engineered warriors known as the Helix. Some reports even referred to the resurrection of Apocalypse himself during Nathan's lifetime. [X-Force (2nd series) #1-6, Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #296] Nathan fought many hard battles over time, and was forced to sacrifice friends in his neverending wars. He sought to become a cable linking the past and the future for the betterment of humanity. Nathan, or "Cable", recovered the lost shield of Captain America as a symbol of mankind's potential, and wielded it in battle for a number of years. He also had another encounter with his mysterious stranger, who saved Cable from a sniper's shot. [Cable & Deadpool #19,25, Deadpool & Cable: Split Second #3]

While his entire life was a war, Dayspring did not always fight the same battles. During his twenties, he grew tired of fighting against the Canaanites and evils of the fourth millennium and traveled back in time thousands of years to the dawning of civilization. His initial attempt to access the Time Displacement Nexus held by the Canaanites at Niagara Falls was a failure, and he only survived once again thanks to the intervention of his "savior". He eventually did travel back in time, however. Leaping around through various points in the past, Dayspring became known as the Traveler, fighting the ancient, cannibalistic creatures known as the Skornn and engaging the High Lords as they ascended, even battling En Sabah Nur himself at different times. [Deadpool & Cable: Split Second #3, X-Force (2nd series) #1]

Around the 12th century, the Traveler in fact "killed" his hated enemy with a bullet through the head of all things. Actually believing himself successful in destroying Apocalypse before he rose,  Dayspring continued bouncing around through ancient times until, a few relative years after he killed En Sabah Nur, he crossed paths with the Eternal One's servant, Ozymandias, and learned the location of the Celestial Ship that Apocalypse would one day use in the present. Inside, the Traveler was shock to learn that his blood, spilled on the battlefield against En Sabah Nur, had mixed with the villain’s own and, not only allowed him to rise from the grave, was responsible for first transforming him into a techno-organic being. Thus, it was by Dayspring's own hand that En Sabah Nur was able to change, to become Apocalypse and gain access to the wonders of the Celestial technology. The Traveler managed to use his own techno-organics to link with the Ship's computers and launch Apocalypse into space, where he was destined to spend years traveling alone and mastering the awesome alien technology to which he was now privy. Having learned some harsh lessons about time travel and the destiny of the future, Dayspring soon returned to the Clan Chosen. [Cable & Deadpool #26-27]

At some point during the war with the New Canaanites, Nathan and Aliya took vows as husband and wife. They raised a son together as well, named Tyler. Contradictory reports make it difficult to determine whether or not Tyler was truly Nathan's son or when exactly he was born. The rebellion continued apace, with the Clan Chosen recruiting new allies such as Dawnsilk, Boak, Adam Specter and Aliya’s sister Hope. It is known that at one point the various armies of the time agreed to a truce, and the Clan Chosen retreated into isolation from the rest of the world. An Askani Council was established as a ruling body for the people and the children of the Clan Chosen grew up not knowing the nature of war for many years. However, efforts by Cable brought the inequalities of society to the Council's attention, and the Clan Chosen once again took up arms. Ultimately the Clan Chosen was in conflict with the New Canaanites when an ambush by Stryfe's forces left Jenskot dead and Tyler in the Chaos-Bringer's clutches. [Cable (1st series) #1, X-Force (2nd series) #2]

Tyler was brainwashed into betraying the Clan and serving as one of Stryfe's warriors. An ambush left the Clan Chosen trapped by the Scions while the corrupted Tyler neural-linked to the Chosen's Dawnsilk, preventing Cable from bodysliding her away. Forced to choose between Tyler and the lives of his men, Cable regretfully blasted the neural link, despite the psychic damage it would cause Tyler and Dawnsilk, and then fled leaving his son behind to die. As the New Canaanites consolidated their control over the global arena, Stryfe traveled back in time to seek his destiny in the past and destroy those he thought had failed him. Meanwhile, Cable had traveled back in time as well, in order to control the High Lord Ascension and the rise of the fabled Twelve. [Cable (1st series) #1-2]

Nathan arrived in the late 20th century in Scotland, over a decade before he would actually be born. One of the locals, Reverend Craig, thought that his strange clothes and his glowing eye meant that he was the devil’s herald and an angry mob formed around Nathan. With the help of Moira MacTaggert, though, Nathan was able to deescalate the situation and he accompanied her to her lab complex on Muir island. There, Nathan learned modern-day English again by scanning her thoughts and, after explaining that he was a time-traveler, she told him how to get in contact with Charles Xavier. [Cable #minus 1]

Cable traveled to the US, gathering information on Xavier before actually contacting him. Around the same time, he had his first run-in with Wolverine, who was still working for Canada’s Department H. Finally contacting Xavier, he helped him design the security systems for the mansion and, in turn, was taught by the Professor how to get along in the 20th century. [Cable/Wolverine: Guts ‘n‘ Glory, Cable (1st series) #45]

In the following years, Cable founded a crack team of mercenaries known as the Wild Pack: G.W. Bridge, Domino, Grizzly, Kane, and Hammer. Cable worked alongside the Wild Pack for years, making occasional trips back to the future and at one point returning with his Graymalkin space station, where the intelligent system program Professor and the Time Displacement Core, which governed his time-trips, were located. The Wild Pack served as Cable's touchstone to the present: their mercenary work helped him learn about the modern era, the players involved, and so on. They also became his friends, a pack of drinking buddies and comrades equal to his alliance with the Clan Chosen. At one point, the Wild Pack were forced to change their name due to copyright reasons, as Silver Sable’s taskforce had long used the name. Inspired by a pack of beverage, they came up with Six Pack instead. [X-Force (1st series) #8, Cable: Blood & Metal #1, Deadpool & Cable: Split Second #3]

During his time with the Six Pack, Cable rescued a U.S. government agent named Kevin Tremain from the Mandarin's clutches. He saved Tremain's life with a blood transfusion but in doing so, unfortunately, transferred a small portion of the techno-virus to Tremain as well. Kevin was a mutant and so Cable left him at Xavier's for care, unaware that the virus would interact with Tremain’s powers in unpredicted ways. [Cable (1st series) #72]

On another occasion, Cable saved Rogue from an angry mob that was chasing her after her powers kicked in while kissing a boy for the first time. She was looking at her followers as she ran into Cable and passed out before getting a clear look at her savior. Therefore, she never remembered their past meeting. [Cable (1st series) #87]

The Six Pack began frequently taking jobs from a mysterious client by the name of Mr. Tolliver, who was actually Tyler Dayspring in disguise, having come back from the Askani future himself.  The Six Pack never saw their employer in person, as they negotiated with people representing him. In Russia, Tolliver set them up and pitted Cable against Stryfe, who now each saw each other for the first time since coming to the present era. The other members of the Six Pack did not want to fight, as they weren’t getting paid for this battle, but Cable convinced his team that it needed to be done. They went on the run for months until a climatic battle with Stryfe over the Professor's data core and Graymalkin‘s Time Displacement Unit. Suddenly, Stryfe grabbed Kane by the throat and demanded the data in exchange for his life, but Cable refused the deal. However, his teammate Hammer opposed him and decided to hand over the disk. Not willing to see Stryfe gain the data, Cable shot Hammer in the back. When Stryfe then set the base to self-destruct and teleported away, Cable body-slided to his ship to see if he could follow Stryfe, thus abandoning his team in the heart of an exploding underground base. Domino, Grizzly and Bridge got out in time, but Hammer was paralyzed and Kane became a paraplegic. After this incident, Cable cut off all ties with his comrades. [Cable: Blood & Metal #1-2]

Regardless, Cable continued to operate in the present day and appears to have done freelance work for the United States government at some time, but he fell out of their good graces and became a wanted man. Not much is known about this phase of Cable’s life. He again made his presence known years later while investigating Stryfe's new terrorist group, the Mutant Liberation Front. Cable was incapacitated by the MLF and taken into federal custody, but he managed to escape only to be tracked down by Freedom Force. In fact, he would've been recaptured if not for the intervention of the New Mutants. Cable decided that the kids could be his new soldiers against Stryfe, especially Cannonball whom his information pointed to being the next High Lord/External. With the approval of X-Factor and Moira MacTaggert, Cable assumed command of the New Mutants and moved them into a set of bunkers underneath the ruins of Xavier’s mansion. [New Mutants (1st series) #87-89]

[Note: In these early appearances, Cable was written without telepathy and only demonstrated some low-level telekinesis. No explanation was given for his missing or at least severely depleted powers, and Cable didn’t seem to be bothered by it either. Actually, that’s not surprising, considering that the decision to make Cable the time-lost son of Cyclops and Madelyne Pryor was only made a few years after his first appearance.]

Most of the Mutants took to him very quickly, but Rictor had trouble with the team’s new mentor. Rictor's father had been killed years before by an unmasked Stryfe. Naturally, as the clone had the same face as Cable, Rictor believed him to be his father’s killer. Though he never told Cable why, Julio kept a major chip on his shoulder when dealing with his him. [New Mutants (1st series) #90-91]

The New Mutants began to dissolve after the X-Tinction Agenda, with Warlock's death and Wolfsbane staying in Genosha after being transformed into a mutate. When Rictor and Sunspot departed as well, Cable started to assemble a new group. Taking his former partner Domino and the remaining members, Cannonball and Boom Boom, Nathan combined them with new allies, Feral, Shatterstar and Warpath, to create the new team. He also set a new, proactive direction for the group that was also reflected with a name change to X-Force. [New Mutants (1st series) #98-100]

During this transition, Tolliver located Nathan again for the first time in years, in order to continue their feud. He sent his mercenary Deadpool to kill Cable for the job the Six Pack had botched, but Nathan surprisingly recognized Deadpool. This was the same mysterious stranger who saved Dayspring's life on numerous occasions in his past (the future), before vanishing as quickly as he came. Realizing there was a greater plan at work for the two of them, Cable made a begrudging note not to kill Deadpool until he understood the situation better. [New Mutants (1st series) #98, Deadpool & Cable: Split Second #3]