Contributor: Gremlin
Real Name: James
Date of birth: Im 21 I will always be 21 thats all you have to know
Lives: UK
First appearance: Summer 2006
Joined April 2007
Duties: Issue summariser, latest office tea-boy
Real-life Duties: Sailing the seven seas collecting mud
Plot Synopsis
I first came here after I left university as I suddenly had a lot of time on my hands. I had always been interested with the X-Men since the animated series in the 90s. I had picked up a book called Ultimate Guide to the X-Men after the X2 movie had come out and I was hooked. With a little help from my good friend ebay I bought a ton of comics. The first batch I read was the Morrison run on New X-Men (which I still love to this day for all its controversy).
It took me a long while to figure out the X-Men continuity and thats where this site helped. The Spotlights On and the crossover articles were extremely helpful because they helped fill in the gaps in my knowledge.
Once I got a job, I was able to splurge and start picking up modern books. And I suppose it snowballed from there. I have been a regular visitor to the site and the forum for over 5 years now.
My addiction doesnt just stop at comics. I also collect statues. I started off small in 2005 with a UK run magazine part-work called Classic Marvel Figurine Collection. Little did I know how long it would go on for and its 200th (and last issue) will release in April 2013. That way just a gateway drug to my habit as I now have a number of Bowen statues of the X-Men.
Anyway at the beginning of 2012 I decided I want to start contributing. I started off small with a mini-series and one-shot and once I got the hang of the writing style I started summarising the Deadpool (3rd series) issues. I am still ploughing through the backlog of those but I will also be doing the on-going X-Men Legacy issues and any more mini-series and one-shots that I can do. I will hopefully start doing other articles on the site too but I will certainly start off small until I get the hang of things.
Issue Checklist
Hands down my favourite comic is X-Factor. I love the cast and the writing style. It has had some weaker issues but even those ones are still better than many of the other titles on the shelves. I have enjoyed the X-Force titles and I am looking forward to the two new ones that will be debuting. Pretty much I am an X-Men zombie. There are a few titles that dont really peak my interest but all in all I love the X-Mens struggle of being a minority against a majority.
That said, I really loved the recent Guardians of the Galaxy series. The cast was so eclectic and the concepts were so big. I cant wait for the movie and the upcoming series. The Thunderbolts is another title I like especially from the Civil War period onwards. Some great characters like Ghost, Songbird and Moonstone have come from there.
On the character front, I am a definite supporter of the underdog. Whilst I like the big names like Storm, Rogue and Nightcrawler, I really enjoying reading about Marvels less exposed characters like Polaris, Monet and Northstar. But my favourite character hands down has to be Spiral. Aside from the Morrison run, some of the other comics I read first were the X-Men issues before and during the Australian Outback era. Freedom Force were around and I remember being fascinated by the six-armed woman twisting and turning in the background. But what really cemented my love for her was when she took Destinys mask and magically fused it to Dazzlers face with a knife. I am overjoyed that she will be featuring as a team member on an upcoming X-force team.
Another favourite of mine is Lockheed. I know I know to some hes just a pet or a purse. But he isnt though. He is an awesome miniature dragon. Who wouldnt want their own pet dragon? Okay I know he is an alien but still its a dragon!!! Come hell or high water I will find a way to get an article on the little dude on here.
Outside of comics
Shock horror I am a sci-fi nut. Love me my sci-fi films and series. If it can happen in real-life, then its not a film I want to watch. My current guilty pleasure is Once Upon A Time but I have also enjoyed cheesy shows like A Town Called Eureka, Doctor Who, Warehouse 13, Supernatural and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Title | Last Updated |
AVX: VS #1 | 19th Jun 2013 |
AVX: VS #2 | 19th Jun 2013 |
AVX: VS #3 | 19th Jun 2013 |
AVX: VS #4 | 19th Jun 2013 |
AVX: VS #5 | 19th Jun 2013 |
AVX: VS #6 | 19th Jun 2013 |