Publication Date: 30th Apr 2020
Written By: Monolith.
Image Work: Douglas Mangum.
Issue Checklist
[title] - Moon Knight (1st series) #194
Moon Knight (1st series) #194

traumatic encounter with Ernst

[title] - Moon Knight (8th series) #10
Moon Knight (8th series) #10

childhood history with dissociation

[title] - Moon Knight (1st series) #37
Moon Knight (1st series) #37

joins Marines after falling out with his father

[title] - Hulk! #17
Hulk! #17

history with the CIA

[title] - Marc Spector: Moon Knight #16
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #16

kills president of Bosqueverde in Raposa's revolution

[title] - Marc Spector: Moon Knight #11
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #11-12

meets Frenchie & Bushman

[title] - Moon Knight (1st series) #1
Moon Knight (1st series) #1

dies as a mercenary, resurrected by Khonshu as his knight

[title] - Werewolf by Night (1st series) #32
Werewolf by Night (1st series) #32

first appearance

[title] - Marvel Spotlight (1st series) #28
Marvel Spotlight (1st series) #28

support network introduced

[title] - Hulk! #17
Hulk! #17-18

fight to death with insane brother, Randall

[title] - Moon Knight (1st series) #1
Moon Knight (1st series) #1

first battle with Bushman as Moon Knight

[title] - Moon Knight (1st series) #2
Moon Knight (1st series) #2

reveals his identity to Crawley, Gina and the kids

[title] - Moon Knight (1st series) #3
Moon Knight (1st series) #3

encounters the Midnight Man

[title] - Moon Knight (1st series) #4
Moon Knight (1st series) #4-5

death of the Committee

[title] - Moon Knight (1st series) #10
Moon Knight (1st series) #10

first confronts the idea that Khonshu may not be real

[title] - Moon Knight (1st series) #12
Moon Knight (1st series) #12

first encounter with Morpheus

[title] - Moon Knight (1st series) #14
Moon Knight (1st series) #14

first encounter with Stained Glass Scarlet

[title] - Moon Knight (1st series) #25
Moon Knight (1st series) #25

first encounter with Black Spectre

[title] - Moon Knight (1st series) #34
Moon Knight (1st series) #34

Gina moves away after threats of violence

[title] - Moon Knight (1st series) #38
Moon Knight (1st series) #38

attends his father's funeral

[title] - Moon Knight (2nd series) #1
Moon Knight (2nd series) #1

retires for a time, forced back into the role by Priests of Khonshu

[title] - West Coast Avengers (2nd series) #32
West Coast Avengers (2nd series) #21

5000 years ago, the time-lost Hawkeye deals with Khonshu in Ancient Egypt, prompting him to alert Moon Knight in the present

[title] - West Coast Avengers (2nd series) #25
West Coast Avengers (2nd series) #25

Moon Knight accepted as probationary Avenger

[title] - West Coast Avengers (2nd series) #29
West Coast Avengers (2nd series) #29

Khonshu begins speaking to Moon Knight directly

[title] - West Coast Avengers (2nd series) #32
West Coast Avengers (2nd series) #32

Khonshu fully waxes over Marc Spector's personality

[title] - West Coast Avengers (2nd series) #33
West Coast Avengers (2nd series) #33

Khonshu accepts Avengers membership on Marc's behalf

[title] - West Coast Avengers (2nd series) #38
West Coast Avengers (2nd series) #37

Khonshu quits Avengers with others over "no killing" rule

[title] - West Coast Avengers (2nd series) #41
West Coast Avengers (2nd series) #41

loses his super-strength and Khonshu's direct patronage, leaves Tigra and Mockingbird

[title] - Marc Spector: Moon Knight #1
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #1

re-establishes Moon Knight in New York

[title] - Marc Spector: Moon Knight #4
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #4

meets Jeff Wilde, the new Midnight

[title] - Marc Spector: Moon Knight #14
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #14

overthrows Bushman in Burunda

[title] - Marc Spector: Moon Knight #15
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #15

placed on trial for his war crimes in Bosqueverde

[title] - Marc Spector: Moon Knight #18
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #18

deals with new Bosqueverde president to find Raposa

[title] - Marc Spector: Moon Knight #19
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #19-21

battles Secret Empire and Midnight apparently killed

[title] - Marc Spector: Moon Knight #24
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #24

retrieves Raposa for Bosqueverde

[title] - Amazing Spider-Man (1st series) #355
Amazing Spider-Man (1st series) #353-358

learns Midnight is now a cyborg super-villain

[title] - Marc Spector: Moon Knight #25
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #25

first encounters the militant Knights of the Moon

[title] - Marc Spector: Moon Knight #33
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #33

infected with demon virus by Hobgoblin

[title] - Marc Spector: Moon Knight #35
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #35-37

battles Randall as Shadowknight

[title] - Marc Spector: Moon Knight #38
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #38

establishes ShadowKeep and new M.O.

[title] - Marc Spector: Moon Knight #46
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #45-46

fights Demogoblin for cure to demon virus, accidentally empowers John DeZoan

[title] - Marc Spector: Moon Knight #49
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #48-49

hunts down Deadzone

[title] - Marc Spector: Moon Knight #50
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #50

abandons all ties with the Avengers

[title] - Marc Spector: Moon Knight #55
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #55

meets his doppelganger, Seth the Immortal

[title] - Marc Spector: Moon Knight #56
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #56

disbands the Shadow Cabinet

[title] - Marc Spector: Moon Knight #58
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #58-59

battles the Hellbent for control of the Templar archives

[title] - Marc Spector: Moon Knight #60
Marc Spector: Moon Knight #60

killed by Seth's failsafe plan

[title] - Moon Knight (3rd series) #1
Moon Knight (3rd series) #1

resurrected by Khonshu...?

[title] - Moon Knight (4th series) #1
Moon Knight (4th series) #1-4

haunted by past ties with CIA mind control programs

[title] - Marvel Knights (1st series) #5
Marvel Knights (1st series) #5

offers to join and fund Daredevil's team

[title] - Marvel Knights (1st series) #14
Marvel Knights (1st series) #14

injured in explosion and retires from Knights

[title] - Moon Knight (5th series) #1
Moon Knight (5th series) #1

severely beaten fighting Bushman, drives everyone away from two years

[title] - Moon Knight (5th series) #5
Moon Knight (5th series) #5

reclaims the role of Moon Knight and Khonshu's avatar

[title] - Moon Knight (5th series) #12
Moon Knight (5th series) #12

kills Midnight and Lynn Church

[title] - Moon Knight (5th series) #13
Moon Knight (5th series) #13

bluffs possession by Khonshu to intimidate his way into the Initiative

[title] - Moon Knight (5th series) #19
Moon Knight (5th series) #19

kills Black Spectre in public to prevent a nano-terrorist attack

[title] - Moon Knight (5th series) #24
Moon Knight (5th series) #24

fakes his death and goes underground as Jake Lockley

[title] - Vengeance of the Moon Knight #1
Vengeance of the Moon Knight #1

returns to New York and Moon Knight identity

[title] - Vengeance of the Moon Knight #6
Vengeance of the Moon Knight #6

fights Bushman again, refuses to kill this time

[title] - Vengeance of the Moon Knight #9
Vengeance of the Moon Knight #9

recruited for Steve Rogers' Secret Avengers

[title] - Shadowland: Moon Knight #1
Shadowland: Moon Knight #1

learns Marlene is pregnant,

[title] - Shadowland: Moon Knight #2
Shadowland: Moon Knight #2

Marlene loses the baby after fight with Randall, Shadowknight

[title] - Shadowland: Moon Knight #3
Shadowland: Moon Knight #3

kills his brother, reclaims Marc Spector identity

[title] - Moon Knight (6th series) #1
Moon Knight (6th series) #1

moves to Los Angeles

[title] - Moon Knight (6th series) #3
Moon Knight (6th series) #3

begins partnership with Echo

[title] - Moon Knight (6th series) #9
Moon Knight (6th series) #9

Echo killed while the duo fought Count Nefaria

[title] - Moon Knight (6th series) #12
Moon Knight (6th series) #12

Nefaria defeated and turned over to Avengers

[title] - Moon Knight (7th series) #1
Moon Knight (7th series) #1

new role as protector of travelers at night

[title] - Moon Knight (8th series) #1
Moon Knight (8th series) #1-14

experiences vision quest to focus his mind

[title] - Moon Knight (1st series) #190
Moon Knight (1st series) #190

learns about his daughter, Diatrice

[title] - Moon Knight (1st series) #199
Moon Knight (1st series) #199

confronts Ernst and the Societe de Sadiques