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Series was a relaunch of New Mutants (1st series), with a more militaristic tone.
Phalanx CovenantXX annuals, #minus1
Crossovers/Events/Major Stories:
#1 - first G.W. bridge#2 - first Garrison Kane (aka Weapon X)#4 - Sabatoge part 2, crossover with Spider-Man (1st series) #16.#16-18 - X-Cutioner's Song#25 - Fatal Attractions#32-33 - Child's Play#38 - Phalanx Covenant#57-58 - Onslaught#61 - semi-origin of Shatterstar#101->102 - Six-Month Gap / Revolution / Counter X#114-115 - Epitaph#116 - Milligan & Allred's revamp to all-new, media savvy X-Force#129 - X-Force decides to rebrand with a new name