The Young Avengers found themselves teamed up with the Runaways yet again when the Skrulls launched an invasion of Earth. Both teams had a member descended from the Skrulls and the Runaways teammate Xavin was conflicted on his allegiance, given that Hulkling of the Young Avengers was the son of the former Skrull Princess. Kate was not heavily involved in the settling of this ordeal but did find herself among several big battles throughout the conflict. [Secret Invasion: Runaways/Young Avengers #1-3]
After Norman Osborn replaced Tony Stark as the head of S.H.I.E.L.D. following misleading events during the Secret Invasion, he created his own team of Dark Avengers. Meanwhile, the Young Avengers were not outlawed as of yet, unlike their adult counterparts. However, a new group calling themselves the Young Avengers appeared consisting of a membership more reminiscent of the Masters of Evil. The financier of the group was a psychotic gun toting Punisher-wannabe called the Executioner. When the original Young Avengers decided to test this new group out to see if they could combine the teams, Kate paired with the Executioner due to their similar skill set. Even before he blackmailed her with knowledge of her secret identity, she had already decided that this bloodthirsty anti-hero was not fit for her team. After an unsuccessful attempt to prove that Kate Bishop was not Hawkeye, the two teams came to blows, with Osborn and his Dark Avengers arriving to assist the Young Masters. Kate and the others managed to defeat the villains but not before the Masters teleported to safety. The heroes held out hope that at least some of their foes would mend their ways in the future. [Dark Reign: Young Avengers #1-5]
Loki was up to his old tricks with the Avengers by convincing a new team that he was the Scarlet Witch. This team included Young Avengers members Stature and the Vision, and due to Stature’s suspicions about the Scarlet Witch, the other Young Avengers were brought in to summon her. Loki/Wanda attacked the Young Avengers and soon Clint Barton also entered the fray, looking for answers. He managed to help run her off after borrowing an injured Kate’s bow. Kate told him to keep the bow while she recuperated in the infirmary. [Mighty Avengers (1st series) #28-31]
Soon after, Norman Osborn’s Dark Reign ended with his failed Siege of Asgard. The Young Avengers and the Mighty Avengers both participated in the big battle and Kate was knocked unconscious with a possible concussion near the conclusion. She woke up buried under a ton of rubble next to Patriot. When he was too hesitant to free them from the shifting rocks, Kate was about to use an explosive arrow before Patriot stopped her. She asked why he was so different in this crisis over others and he answered her with a kiss. After shoving him away and suggesting he was lacking oxygen, a battle above caused a shift in the rubble big enough for Kate to shoot her explosive arrow through and free them. Reuniting with the other Young Avengers, Kate whispered to Eli that it was a hell of a kiss. [Siege: Young Avengers]
On a routine mission to take out some terrorists, the Young Avengers and Avengers were about to be blown to smithereens by a nuclear device. Instead, Wiccan demonstrated an immense amount of power in order to save everyone, which Iron Man stipulated might be connected to his inherited powers from the missing Scarlet Witch. Kate was one of the first of Billy's friends to voice concern over his ability to control this potentially dangerous power but, like the rest of the team, was quick to back him against the Avengers’ attempts to contain him. What followed was a search for the Scarlet Witch that involved Iron Lad returning from the future and a long-term master plan enacted by Doctor Doom.
At one point, Kate fought alongside Clint Barton and was happy to hear him declare that it was a good thing there were two Hawkeyes in the world. Additionally, some relationship troubles brewed when Patriot voiced hesitation about going against the Avengers, which Kate rejected in favor of supporting her teammates. This culminated in Patriot taking Kate’s bow to disrupt a spell by the Scarlet Witch to disastrous consequences. By the end of the ordeal, through time travel and magic, Stature’s father Ant-Man returned to life but at the cost of sacrificing her own life to stop Dr. Doom’s villainous intentions. The loss of Kate’s best friend was a huge blow and the Young Avengers all decided to break up and live normal lives for now. [Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #1-9]
Clint soon became Kate’s mentor and the two began fighting crime in a way only two expert bow and arrow users could: recklessly and with style. Their first mission was to infiltrate the Cirque du Nuit in which the Circus of Crime was set to hypnotize a slew of rich, shady people. The luxury gathering was one that Kate was quite a bit more comfortable blending in than Clint. When they were inevitably discovered, Kate managed to take out a ridiculously dressed performer named Fifi and disguise herself as the woman long enough to save and then be saved by Clint. The two managed to take out the heads of the Circus and later Clint called Kate to propose a more official partnership. When Kate asked why her, Clint responded that it was because she was good. However, when pressed, he blurted out that it was also because he didn’t want to sleep with her. This established a platonic relationship between the two but the much younger Kate did seem slightly disappointed by this realization. [Hawkeye (4th series) #2]
The next time Clint asked Kate for her assistance, it involved getting him out of a sticky situation he had caused. A vaguely Russian gang, referred to by Clint as the “Tracksuit Mafia,” had kidnapped a beautiful woman whom Clint had just met and bedded. Kate swung by to pick up a half-dressed Clint and proceeded to engage in a high-speed chase with the car holding the kidnapped woman. This high stress situation was a good opportunity for Kate to familiarize herself with many of Clint’s more obscure trick arrows. This included her getting the chance to successfully implement the previously deemed worthless boomerang arrow to save Clint being held at gunpoint. [Hawkeye (4th series) #3]
When a secret S.H.I.E.L.D. videotape was stolen and set to be auctioned off to the highest bidder, Kate was sidelined when Clint told her he needed to recover the tape himself. Kate secretly followed him to Madripoor, however, and managed to take the visiting Madame Masque hostage in her own hotel room. Disguised as the villain, she was the one who interrogated a captured Clint and was forced to remove S.H.I.E.L.D.’s limitless “Black” credit card from the one place in Clint that none of the goon’s dared to check. Using the now sanitized credit card, Kate managed to buy the tape for one billion Euros and could not stop herself from watching the incriminating tape showing Clint performing a political assassination.
Madame Masque soon escaped her confinement and captured Kate, vowing that her revenge for her humiliation would be slow and involve putting cigarettes out on her face. Clint and Kate both managed to fight their way out of the harrowing situation and destroy the tape in the process. When they made their way back to S.H.I.E.L.D., it was revealed that a series of fake tapes showing Avengers killing the man had been created as a way to ferret out a leak in the organization. Clint had agreed to be one of the decoys and subsequently recover the tape afterwards. This exoneration both relieved Kate and caused her respect for the man to grow. [Hawkeye (4th series) #4-5]
When a major hurricane hit the Tri-state area, Kate was at a fancy engagement party in a five-star hotel in New Jersey. When the power went out and the bride’s mother desperately needed medication, Kate swam through the dark waters in the parking garage in her fancy dress to find help. She managed to find a pharmacy but looters jumped her. She was saved by the good neighbors nearby and given the medications she needed by the thankful pharmacy owners. [Hawkeye (4th series) #7]
In between being Clint’s protégé, Kate found herself a new handsome, alien boyfriend in the previously encountered Noh-Varr, Marvel Boy. His looks and skill outweighed his obsession with music, even if she regularly needed to shush him when he started rambling about various bands. She also really liked his advanced technology composite bow, which she quickly co-opted. Kate, Billy and Teddy soon reformed the Young Avengers with Marvel Boy, a kid version of Loki and a mysterious beautiful girl named America Chavez with dimension-hopping powers. The threat that drew them together was a mysterious creature named Mother, who took the form of Teddy’s dead mother and whose world-conquering actions seemed to be completely unnoticed by adults.
The dimension-hopping adventure played out over several weeks, with Kate fighting several alternate reality evil versions of herself and the other Young Avengers. She was a bit surprised to learn that these machinations partially resulted from a league comprised of ex-lovers of the various team members, including a bizarre version of Patriot and three jilted girlfriends of Noh-Varr. The Young Avengers were able to persevere by contacting several dozen other teenage superheroes to overcome Mother and the league of exes. However, this was not before Noh-Varr became tempted by his ex-girlfriend Oubliette and took her suggestion to dump Kate. Even though Oubliette turned out not to be real, the damage was done and Kate told him off at the after party, saying that he couldn’t get out of his own head to see he had lost the real girl of his dreams. After a full night of dancing and romantic drama, Kate realized she was the only straight member on this team, but
America Chavez said that she was not that straight, based on how Kate looked at her. [Young Avengers (2nd series) #1-15]
In a situation only Clint could find himself in, the beautiful woman he had saved showed up for help at the moment Clint was with his girlfriend Jessica Drew, ex-wife Bobbi Morse and former girlfriend Natasha Romanoff. Even Kate was dragged into the situation, officially making all of the women in Clint’s life annoyed with the so-called train wreck of a man. Despite the four women helping him out, an understandably upset Jessica left Clint and warned Kate to stay away from the man whose super-power was to let you down. Despite this, Kate tried to cheer up Clint, who was simply not in a mood to care. [Hawkeye (4th series) #9]
The Tracksuit Mafia was tired of dealing with Clint and hired an expert assassin named Kaze to remove him from their list of problems. This psychotic yet handsome man wore make-up that made him look like his namesake, The Clown. When Kate was at an upper-class party that her father had brought her to, she happened to talk to and connect with Kaze to the point that they ended up kissing. Later, when Kaze went to the apartment building Clint owned to take him out, he noticed Kate was with his target. Perhaps this changed his plan to kill Clint directly, because instead Kaze murdered one of Clint’s tenets/friend. [Hawkeye (4th series) #10]