Publication Date: 6th Apr 2023
Written By: WorldWideWade.
Image Work: WorldWideWade.
Issue Checklist
[title] - All-New Hawkeye (2nd series) #4
All-New Hawkeye (2nd series) #4

A child Kate Bishop determines to be someone important like her father.

[title] - All-New Hawkeye (2nd series) #6
All-New Hawkeye (2nd series) #6

Saved by Clint Barton and resolves to be someone better than her criminal father.

[title] - Young Avengers (1st series) #1
Young Avengers (1st series) #1

First appearance, helps Young Avengers defeat terrorists at her sister's wedding.

[title] - Young Avengers (1st series) #4
Young Avengers (1st series) #4

Creates a costume from various Avengers gear.

[title] - Young Avengers (1st series) #6
Young Avengers (1st series) #6

Bank rolls the Young Avengers against the Avengers wishes.

[title] - Young Avengers Special #1
Young Avengers Special

Tells Jessica Jones about her assault and subsequent self-defense training.

[title] - Young Avengers (1st series) #12
Young Avengers (1st series) #12

Receives the deceased Clint Barton's bow and codename.

[title] - Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America #3
Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America #3

Clint Barton confronts Kate about using the Hawkeye name.

[title] - Young Avengers Presents #6
Young Avengers Presents #6

Kate fights Clint and ultimately proves worthy of his bow and name.

[title] - Siege: Young Avengers #1
Siege: Young Avengers

Patriot kisses Kate while in a dire situation.

[title] - Avengers: The Children's Crusade #6
Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #6

The Hawkeyes team up for the first time to help save the Scarlet Witch.

[title] - Hawkeye (4th series) #2
Hawkeye (4th series) #2

Clint becomes Kate's mentor and they take down the Ringmaster.

[title] - Hawkeye (4th series) #5
Hawkeye (4th series) #5

Makes an arch-nemesis out of Madame Masque by tying her up and impersonating her.

[title] - Young Avengers (2nd series) #4
Young Avengers (2nd series) #4

Starts dating Noh-Varr and forms a new Young Avengers team.

[title] - Young Avengers (2nd series) #14
Young Avengers (2nd series) #14

Dumps Noh-Varr after he fails to register how amazing she is.

[title] - Hawkeye (4th series) #10
Hawkeye (4th series) #10

Unknowingly kisses a villain trying to kill Clint. Leaves Clint for LA after he refuses to ask for help.

[title] - Hawkeye Annual #1
Hawkeye Annual #1

Moves to LA, her father cuts off her money and she is nearly killed by Madame Masque.

[title] - Hawkeye (4th series) #14
Hawkeye (4th series) #14

Starts a private investigator business in order to support herself.

[title] - Hawkeye (4th series) #20
Hawkeye (4th series) #20

Uncovers and helps stop a conspiracy by Masque to provide Life Model Decoy bodies to wealthy socialites.

[title] - Hawkeye (4th series) #22
Hawkeye (4th series) #22

Returns to New York to help save Clint from the Track Suit Mafia.

[title] - Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #3
Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #3

Teams up with Deadpool to save a brainwashed Clint from Black Cat.

[title] - All-New Hawkeye (1st series) #5
All-New Hawkeye (1st series) #5

The Hawkeyes rescue a trio of super powerful psychic children but must give them up due to their inability to control them.

[title] - All-New Hawkeye (2nd series) #1
All-New Hawkeye (2nd series) #1

Kate decides to separate from Clint over the decision to give away the children.

[title] - All-New Hawkeye (2nd series) #6
All-New Hawkeye (2nd series) #6

The pair manage to stage the deaths of the children and hide them. The two resolve to have each others backs even if Kate wants to go solo.

[title] - Civil War II: Choosing Sides #3
Civil War II: Choosing Sides #3

Internally grapples with Clint's actions of killing the Hulk.

[title] - Hawkeye (5th series) #1
Hawkeye (5th series) #1

Starts a P.I. business in Venice Beach, California. Makes some new friends.

[title] - Hawkeye (5th series) #4
Hawkeye (5th series) #4

Shuts down a cult kidnapping people. The villain explodes before revealing the leaders behind him.

[title] - Hawkeye (5th series) #7
Hawkeye (5th series) #7

Discovers her father is connected to Masque and other crimes in LA.

[title] - Hawkeye (5th series) #11
Hawkeye (5th series) #11

Masque kidnaps Kate and takes over her life in a cloned body of Kate. Kate escapes and defeats Masque.

[title] - Generations: Hawkeye & Hawkeye #1
Generations: Hawkeye & Hawkeye

Travels back in time to team-up with Clint in his early days and defeat villain Eden.

[title] - Hawkeye (5th series) #16
Hawkeye (5th series) #16

Clint helps Kate take down a Masque and Eden team-up

[title] - West Coast Avengers (3rd series) #1
West Coast Avengers (3rd series) #1

Starts a new West Coast Avengers team whose first foe is B.R.O.D.O.K.

[title] - West Coast Avengers (3rd series) #4
West Coast Avengers (3rd series) #4

Turned into a giant Hawk monster and engages in a Kaiju battle.

[title] - West Coast Avengers (3rd series) #5
West Coast Avengers (3rd series) #5

Finds that her mother is still alive but working with Masque.

[title] - West Coast Avengers (3rd series) #8
West Coast Avengers (3rd series) #8

Her mother turns out to be a vampire. The team takes down a vampire cult.

[title] - Empyre: Aftermath Avengers #1
Empyre: Aftermath Avengers #1

Rejoices at the wedding of friends Billy and Teddy.

[title] - Hawkeye: Kate Bishop #1
Hawkeye: Kate Bishop #1

Closes down her LA office and moves back to New York. Takes a case from her sister.

[title] - Hawkeye: Kate Bishop #5
Hawkeye: Kate Bishop #5

Takes down the revived Circus of Crime in her family's mansion.