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Alex Paknadel (writer), Phillip Sevy (artist), Arthur Hesli (colorist), VC’s Clayton Cowles (letterer), Jasmien Alvarez (production), Annie Cheng (digital comics specialist), Noah Sharma (assistant editor), Darren Shan (editor), Tom Breevort (conductor of X), C.B. Cebulski (editor-in-chief)X-Men created by Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
Omega Red’s healing factor is so strong that he manages to heal, even from being dropped into a vat of molten steel. Grigori, Elena and the guilty men gather at a church where Omega Red confronts them. Grigori insists that Nastya killed their children, but Elena shouts the truth: that the poison of the steel plant killed their children and the locals made Nastya their scapegoat. Omega Red tells Elena to run and kills Grigori, Victor and all the men in the church. Later, he meets the old woman again, who reveals herself as Nastya’s ghost and who thanks him for avenging her.
Omega Red recalls how, long ago in a gymnasium in Yekaterinburg, a Georgian named Rapavi tried to induce him into the Mafya. During his initiation, the bosses demanded that he forswear all worlds but that of the thieves. He agreed without hesitation. They tattooed eight-pointed stars on his shoulders. Symbols of belonging, of home. Within minutes, his healing factor expelled every last drop of ink from his body. They watched in disgust, as it leached out of his skin like dirty dishwater, confirming what he already knew - that he had no home.
In the present, several workers are near the vat of molten steel in to which Omega Red was dropped. Suddenly, tentacles emerge from the vat, grab them and leech them of their life energy. Moments later, Omega Red, no more than a tentacled skeleton, steps from the vat.
Viktor races to his parents’ home to inform his father that the monster lives. They say something crawled out of the furnace like death itself. Grigori hits his son, shouting he warned him, then orders him to round up everyone involved with the witch’s death. Tell them to bring weapons! He orders his wife to get his gun. Elena points out that Omega Red cannot be killed. They must run. Grimly Grigori replies that he is Omega Red. There is no running. They have no choice but to try to kill the devil himself.
Omega Red, now mostly healed again, arrives at Grigori’s house to find it empty, but senses he is nearby. He opens his backpack and finds his uniform given to him by the state, the one he had hoped never to use again. He recalls how, behind closed doors, the politburo called hm “their righteous instrument.” Russian humor. But perhaps a righteous instrument is exactly what is required tonight.
The men have gathered outside the church, heavily armed.
Where is Kostya? one of them asks. Another replies that he ran. Said the monster hadn’t seen his face. Coward! Grigori spits.
The freak is here! Oleg shouts and fires at Omega Red. His nerve endings still haven’t regenerated, so he doesn’t feel much, except the thump of the shot that hits his shoulder. In return, his tentacles cut Oleg in two halves.
Viktor wants to avenge him but Grigori holds his son back and orders him to get into the church.
Only Grigori (gun trained at Omega Red) and Elena stay outside. Grigori orders him back. He cannot let him hurt his son. Omega Red points out they killed Nastya. Grigori shouts that she murdered their children!
Enough! Elena shouts and, crying, admonishes her husband that he knows that is not true. It was the steel plant. They dumped their poisons in the river over and over again – always assuring them it was perfectly safe – and the boys played there. Anastasia tried to help them. They just needed a convenient scapegoat! Nevertheless, Grigori cannot sacrifice his son and fires his gun at Omega Red. In return, Omega Red impales him.
Holding her dying husband, Elena begs him not to kill her Vitya. Take her instead. Omega Red orders her to go far away from here and to take any innocent of this crime with her. What follows will stain this place forever!
He enters the church. One of the men blusters, he couldn’t… not in here. Hasn’t he heard? Omega Red mocks as his tentacles choke him, religion is the opiate of the masses! Then, he tears the other men apart.
Covered in blood, he steps outside where the old woman who first talked with him before he returned warns him that they will come for him. People like them were never supposed to fight back. They are supposed to tiptoe out of history without disturbing their slumber. He is Omega Red, he scoffs. He makes history. Yes, for other men, she spits out.
She takes off her headscarf and finally he sees she is a ghost – Nastya’s ghost. She pities him for what he has become but thanks him for avenging her. She is welcome, he replies, and then her ghost disappears.
Omega Red
Grigori BaimbetovElena BaimbetovViktor BaimbetovOther steelplant workersNastya’s ghost
Samosud: Russian for “lynching.”
Omega Red next appears in the S.E.N.T.I.N.E.L.S. limited series.
The “opium of the people” or “opium of the masses” is a dictum used in reference to religion, by Karl Marx.