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Stephanie Phillips (writer), Alessandro Miracolo (artist), David Curiel (color), VC’s Cory Petit (letterer), Yasmine Putri (cover artist), Ben Harvey; Rickie Yagawa & Alex Sinclair (variant covers), Jay Bowen (design), Martin Bird (assistant editor), Annalise Bissa (editor), Tom Breevort (conductor of X), C.B. Cebulski (editor-in-chief)
Phoenix has met with Captain Marvel, who takes her to a festival on Throneworld II. While Jean intended to talk shop, Carol convinces her that she needs to also learn to relax in order to be in control of her immense power. She leaves Jean to the celebration, but soon Jean is telepathically challenged to a fight by an unknown being. She follows the mental voice to a temple on another world, where her challenger reveals himself as Gorr the God-Butcher. In the meantime, at a gathering at the Proscenium, Gladiator demands they do something about the threat Phoenix poses. The other members are not impressed. They are joined by Perrikus, who shows them what is transpiring with Phoenix. They witness the battle between Phoenix and Gorr. With his connection to his weapon All-black strengthened, Gorr manages to strike a killing blow and she dies. Just when the Galactic Council is convinced the problem is solved, the Phoenix power begins to flare again.
Throneworld II, capital city of the Kree/Skrull alliance:A celebration with fireworks is being held, and amidst the celebrations are Carol Danvers (aka Captain Marvel) and Jean Grey (aka Phoenix). Bemused, Jean remarks, this is fun? And Carol tells her that shouldn’t be a question.
The two land on a roof and Jean assures her this is great but, when Jean called Carol, it was to offer to help with her official Captain Marvel / Avengers space business. A festival celebrating the Kree-Skrull alliance wasn’t what she had in mind. But she is glad there are no collapsing black holes, dying suns, Asgardian zombie armies, lying fathers-in-law or generals trying to build Thanos an army. What, no Galactus? Carol deadpans. Sounds like an easy month. That was a week! Jean shoots back and they both laugh.
Carol explains the universe Jean is trying to protect isn’t all scary space monsters. It can be pretty cool too and Jean is allowed to experience it, so take a break from punishing herself. Jean assures her she isn’t punishing herself. She is trying to…
Right the wrongs of a cosmic entity that took complete possession of Jean’s persona and committed atrocities in her name, Carol continues. She might know a little about that, having her body feel like it no longer belongs to her. Recovering from having her powers and memories taken and learning to control her Binary form were definitely not overnight processes.
Jean laments she thought she put in the work to understand and control that part of her, but everyone is afraid of her. Afraid of the Phoenix. And how could she blame them?
Carol suggests this may change over time, but she thinks what is most important is whether or not Jean is afraid of the Phoenix. She has learned to control it. But does that also mean she is holding a part of herself back?
Jean insists that nobody is going to be hurt by the Phoenix because of her ever again. Carol points out, if she is afraid, she isn’t really in control. She follows Jean, insisting she is the most powerful person in the universe, now use that power to give these people a real show! Jean does just that, filling the sky with psychic fireworks. She admits that that is fun, without a question mark. Carol takes her leave to return to Earth. Jean thanks her and hugs her, and Carol tells her not to burn herself out.
Meanwhile, at the new Proscenium, the meeting place of the Galactic Council:Gladiator of the Shi’ar has called a meeting to explain the danger Phoenix poses. He calls her a fire that will consume the universe. They cannot allow her to operate without regulations.
Paibok, the Power Skrull, speaking for the Kree/Skrull Empire, impatiently reminds Gladiator they have been here before, and he believes that resulted in Gladiator ordering the termination of the Phoenix’s human bloodline. Frankly, if she came after Gladiator, Paibok would be inclined to look the other way…
Gladiator stresses that he acted not just for the Shi’ar’s safety but that of the entire galaxy. Something this council should be more invested in.
Mentacle of the House of Rigel points out the Phoenix has so far posed no threat. They can’t charge her for crimes not yet comm…
Fools! Gladiator shouts. He stresses that Jean currently has control of the Phoenix Force, but they have all seen her lose control before, and lest they forget, the many lives lost because of it. He stresses, it is the Council’s responsibility to protect their peoples and he is telling them it is not a matter of if Jean will lose control, but when!
Kuva, empress of the Zn’rx, pragmatically asks how they can do anything against someone as powerful as the Phoenix. Stopping her isn’t the answer, comes a new voice. They need to control her. Perrikus steps in with Adani.
His answer is bringing a dark god here? Paibok berates Gladiator. Perrikus calmly asks him to belay his judgment. He asks for nothing but the opportunity to prove to them what Gladiator is saying: the Phoenix is the greatest threat they have ever faced!
Meanwhile on Homeworld, Jean is juggling energy balls and a kid asks if they can try. Jean is willing but then receives a telepathic message from someone announcing they have business. Jean consoles the child and promises to be back. Stepping away, she telepathically demands who the other person is. Her executioner, comes the reply. Amused, Jean suggests they cut to it and tell her where they want to fight. Spoken with the arrogance of a god. They are all the same, the other person bristles. They ask Phoenix to follow their voice. They are not hiding, and Jean flies into space to the Temple of Creation.
She enters the building. The voice continues, noting it seemed a fitting place. The people of Dogr believed their ancestors angered a powerful god. They built this temple to appease him, to offer tribute, but he wanted more. They gave the god everything they had, including their lives! And so, her life will be ended here, Gorr the Godbutcher, holding a black strange scythe, announces. A fallen god on the soil where a god took so much.
Jean snaps there are many problems with his plan, but the biggest being she is no god! She attacks.
Could have fooled him, he shoots back, countering her attack with his weapons. A god by any other name is just as rotten. Suddenly, his chest splits open, allowing a horde of tiny winged and insects to attack her. Gorr announces that the last god he faced believed he could kill him by absorbing his weapon All-Black. He slams into Jean, continuing being a god doesn’t necessitate intelligence. Thor was an idiot and strengthened Gorr’s connection to All-Black, allowing its symbiote core to replace his heart. They are one!
Well, if he is just going to tell her which part of him to target, Jean replies and aims for the heart.
The two battle violently and finally All-Black pierces Phoenix, causing her to die.
At the Proscenium, Perrikus has shown them the battle and they witness Phoenix’s death. Paibok remarks, if anything, he just proved Phoenix was no threat. Perrikus tells them to keep watching. The Phoenix is more than just a cosmic force. It is a symbol and no stranger to death. Each time they meet, she comes back stronger.
And indeed Phoenix reignites…
PhoenixCaptain Marvell
GladiatorPaibokGladiator, Empress Kuga, Mentacle, Nymbis Sternhoof, Paibok, Smasher (Galactic Council)
PerrikusAdaniGorr the God-Butcher
Carol Danvers lost her original powers to Rogue in Avengers Annual #10 and was turned into the more powerful Binary in Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #162-164.
The grey family was killed in Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #466-468.