[title] - Rogue (3rd series) #2
Rogue (3rd series) #2

birth, family background, raised by aunt after her mother disappears

[title] - X-Men Unlimited (1st series) #4
X-Men Unlimited (1st series) #4

taken in by Mystique

[title] - Classic X-Men #44
Classic X-Men #44

kisses a boyfriend, absorbs his memories

Marvel Fanfare (1st series) #60

starts to help with Mystique‘s criminal activities

[title] - Rogue (3rd series) #10
Rogue (3rd series) #10

befriends Blindspot, who later makes her and Mystique forget about a mission in Japan involving Sunfire

[title] - Marvel Super-Heroes (3rd series) #11
Marvel Super-Heroes (3rd series) #11

permanently absorbs Ms. Marvel

[title] - Avengers Annual #10
Avengers Annual (1st series) #10

first appearance

[title] - Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #158
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #158

first battles the X-Men

[title] - Dazzler (1st series) #22
Dazzler #22-24, 28

develops grudge against the Dazzler

[title] - Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #171
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #171

joins X-Men under duress

[title] - Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #182
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #182

set up to become wanted by the government, utilizes Carol Danvers personality without realizing it

[title] - Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #185
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #185

gains Storm’s trust, saved by Storm from the effect of a power inhibitor gun

[title] - Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #192
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #192

manifests a weaker version of Ms. Marvel’s seventh sense

[title] - Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #221
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #221

makes up with Dazzler

[title] - Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #227
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #227

dies among the X-Men in Dallas and is resurrected by Roma

[title] - Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #236
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #236

reaches an agreement with Carol Danvers personality to share the body

[title] - Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #239
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #239

Carol is shown to be able to control Rogue’s power

[title] - Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #247
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #247

sucked into the Siege Perilous

[title] - Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #269
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #269

emerges powerless and separate from Danvers, yet they have to fight each other for their life-force; Magneto steps in and chooses Rogue over Carol, he destroys the Carol entity and re-installs Rogue‘s strength and invulnerability

[title] - Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #274
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #274-275

begins and ends short relationship with Magneto

[title] - Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #278
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #278

comes to Muir Island, falls under the Shadow King’s influence

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #1 (Cover A)
X-Men (2nd series) #1

becomes part of the X-Men’s Blue Strikeforce

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #4
X-Men (2nd series) #4

starts dating Gambit

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #8
X-Men (2nd series) #8

learns of Gambit having a wife

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #15
X-Men (2nd series) #15, 17

temporarily blinded by Strobe

[title] - Rogue (1st series) #4
Rogue (1st series) #4

Cody Robbins dies after 15 years in a coma

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #41
X-Men (2nd series) #41

kisses Gambit in a moment of passion

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #45
X-Men (2nd series) #45

takes a leave of absence, because of being unable to deal with the terrible feeling of guilt she absorbed from Gambit’s memories

[title] - X-Men Unlimited (1st series) #11
X-Men Unlimited (1st series) #11

meets Joseph, begins road-trip to return to the X-Men

[title] - Avengers (1st series) #401
Avengers (1st series) #401, XM #55

found by the Avengers, rejoins X-Men along with Joseph to help during theOnslaughtcrisis

[title] - Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #341
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #341

Joseph designs a device that allows him to safely kiss Rogue

[title] - Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #348
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #348

held prisoner by Nanny, with her powers negated, she makes love with Gambit for the first time

[title] - Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #350
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #350

trial of Gambit, learns of his past involving Sinister and the Marauders, abandons him in Antarctica

[title] - Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #359
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #359

almost has her powers removed by Dr. Agee, decides against it to ensure that his machine is not used on other mutants

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #81
X-Men (2nd series) #81

reunited with Gambit, still loves him

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #103
X-Men (2nd series) #103

elected leader of one squad of X-Men

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #107
X-Men (2nd series) #107

exposure to Skrull DNA causes the power to go haywire, steps down as leader

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #109
X-Men (2nd series) #109

leaves with Storm’s team to search for Destiny’s diaries

[title] - X-Treme X-Men (1st series) #4
X-Treme X-Men (1st series) #4

inherits all of Destiny’s possessions, asks Sage for help with controlling her powers

[title] - X-Treme X-Men (1st series) #13
X-Treme X-Men (1st series) #13

powers jumpstarted by Sage

[title] - X-Treme X-Men (1st series) #16
X-Treme X-Men (1st series) #16

impaled by Vargas‘ sword

[title] - X-Treme X-Men (1st series) #18
X-Treme X-Men (1st series) #17-18

nearly dies, all her powers fade after overexposure

[title] - X-Treme X-Men (1st series) #19
X-Treme X-Men (1st series) #19

leaves on a vacation with Gambit

[title] - X-Treme X-Men (1st series) #31
X-Treme X-Men X-Posé #2, X-Treme X-Men (1st series) #31

moves to Valle Soleada, gets a job as a garage mechanic, leads a happy, “normal“ life

[title] - X-Treme X-Men (1st series) #33
X-Treme X-Men (1st series) #32-35, 40-45

moves to Valle Soleada, gets a job as a garage mechanic, leads a happy, “normal“ life

[title] - X-Treme X-Men (1st series) #46
X-Treme X-Men (1st series) #46

returns with the X-Men to Westchester to help rebuilding the school

[title] - noimage
off panel

absorption powers return by themselves

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #157
X-Men (2nd series) #157-160

assigned to the X-Men team lead by Havok

[title] - Rogue (3rd series) #1
Rogue (3rd series) #1-6

has an argument with Gambit who blames her for his condition, takes some time away from the X-Men to sort out her past, makes up with her aunt, enters the Far Banks and visits her mother’s spirit, absorbs her psychic twin and gains the memories of having been raised by her mother

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #165
X-Men (2nd series) #165

has Sage come up with a way to cure Gambit

[title] - Rogue (3rd series) #8
Rogue (3rd series) #7-12

she and Sunfire are framed for murder, attacked by Lady Deathstrike and Blindspot, who restores her memory, forced to permanently absorb Sunfire, briefly manipulated by Blindspot into forgetting her time with the X-Men

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #171
X-Men (2nd series) #171

tries to sort out troubled relationship with Gambit in telepathic therapy sessions with Emma Frost

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #173
X-Men (2nd series) #173-174

finds out Foxx is really Mystique and rejects her plan to join the X-Men

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #177
X-Men (2nd series) #177

becomes closer to Gambit after the Decimation

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #181
X-Men (2nd series) #181

Mystique brings Pulse to the Institute for Rogue

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #184
X-Men (2nd series) #184

Discovers Gambit and Sunfire are both Horsemen for Apocalypse

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #187
X-Men (2nd series) #187

tells Pulse she is not interested in him, he leaves

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #192
X-Men (2nd series) #188-193

assembles her new team, takes the fight to the Children of the Vault

[title] - X-Men Annual #1
X-Men (2nd series) Annual #1

helps Northstar and Aurora overcome their brainwashing

[title] - Ms. Marvel (2nd series) #9
Ms. Marvel (2nd series) #8-10

attacked by an alternate Ms Marvel and defeats her with the help of the real one

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #194
X-Men (2nd series) #194-196

leaves the Institute with her team

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #199
X-Men (2nd series) #197-199

takes on the Hecatomb, absorbs the minds of 8 million souls into her

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #200
X-Men (2nd series) #200-201

struggles to contain all the minds inside her, betrayed and shot by Mystique

[title] - X-Men (2nd series) #204
X-Men (2nd series) #202-204

taken to Mister Sinister for analysis

[title] - X-Men: Messiah Complex
Messiah Complex crossover

healed by the touch of the Messiah baby, leaves the X-Men

[title] - X-Men Legacy (1st series) #215
X-Men (2nd series) #215

travels to the Australian Outback town do deal with recent events

[title] - X-Men Legacy (1st series) #224
X-Men (2nd series) #220-224

power absorption troubles diagnosed by Danger and healed by Professor X

[title] - Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men : Utopia
Utopia crossover

travels back to America and rejoins the X-Men in their fight against Norman Osborn

[title] - X-Men Legacy Annual #1
X-Men Legacy (1st series) Annual #1, #228-230

asked to become the student councilor for the X-Men

[title] - X-Men Legacy (1st series) #228
X-Men Legacy (1st series) #228

travels to Emplate’s dimension to save a student

[title] - X Necrosha  #1
Necrosha crossover

takes a team to fight the newly resurrected Proteus and manages to speak to Destiny too

[title] - X-Men: Second Coming  #1
Second Coming crossover

helps find the Messiah baby who is now a teenage girl, acts as her guardian in the final fight with Bastion’s forces

[title] - X-Men Legacy (1st series) #241
X-Men Legacy (1st series) #237-241

travels to India with some students and Magneto

[title] - X-Men Legacy (1st series) #240
X-Men Legacy (1st series) #242-243

fights the Children of the Vault

[title] - X-Men Legacy (1st series) #244
X-Men Legacy (1st series) #244

helps Blindfold fight an invisible threat

[title] - Age of X: Alpha
Age of X crossover

unravels the mystery of a warped reality

[title] - X-Men Legacy (1st series) #248
X-Men Legacy (1st series) #248-249

decides to enter into a relationship with Magneto

[title] - X-Men Legacy (1st series) #250
X-Men Legacy (1st series) #250

sets off with a small team to track down Legion’s missing personalities

[title] - X-Men Legacy (1st series) #253
X-Men Legacy (1st series) #253-258

travels across the universe to help the Starjammers, rescues an entire space station

[title] - X-Men Legacy (1st series) #260
X-Men Legacy (1st series) #260

leaves Utopia and joins Wolverine’s newly opened school

[title] - X-Men Legacy (1st series) #261
X-Men Legacy (1st series) #261

fights Exodus and comes to blows with Wolverine

[title] - X-Men Legacy (1st series) #264
X-Men (2nd series) #264

helps Weapon Omega and Mimic

[title] - Avengers vs. X-Men #1
Avengers vs. X-Men crossover

guards the school from the Avengers and then joins the hunt for Hope. Switches sides and helps Ms. Marvel but is teleported away from Earth by Magik

[title] - X-Men Legacy (1st series) #271
X-Men Legacy (1st series) #271-273

helps two alien races make peace

[title] - X-Men Legacy (1st series) #274
X-Men Legacy (1st series) #274

breaks off her relationship with Magneto

[title] - Uncanny Avengers #1
Uncanny Avengers (1st series) #1-4

helps save New York from Red Skull’s attack, joins the Unity Squad.

[title] - Gambit (5th series) #12
Gambit (5th series) #9-12

helps Gambit take on Tombstone’s forces

[title] - X-Men (4th series) #1
X-Men (4th series) #1-3

fights Arkea with Storm's ad hoc team

[title] - Uncanny Avengers (1st series) #5
Uncanny Avengers (1st series) #5

accidentally kills Grim Reaper

[title] - Uncanny Avengers (1st series) #7
Uncanny Avengers (1st series) #7

cleared of wrongdoing by SHIELD, benched from active duty

[title] - Cable and X-Force #10
Cable and X-Force #9-10

helps track down Hope and Cable

[title] - Uncanny Avengers (1st series) #9
Uncanny Avengers (1st series) #8-9

leaves the Unity Squad to fight the forces of the Apocalypse Twins

[title] - Uncanny Avengers (1st series) #10
Uncanny Avengers (1st series) #10-11

investigates Apocalypse Twins, airs guilt to Sunfire regarding previous encounter

[title] - Uncanny Avengers (1st series) #12
Uncanny Avengers (1st series) #12-14

finds the Apocalypse Twin’s base, kills the Scarlet Witch when she believes she is about to betray everyone, is killed by Grim Reaper in return

[title] - Uncanny Avengers (1st series) #17
Uncanny Avengers (1st series) #15-22

is saved by the rest of the Unity squad who travelled back in time, absorbs the powers of every Avenger and X-Man and take son the Celestial Executioner, helps save Earth but is left with Wonder Man’s powers and consciousness inside her head

[title] - Uncanny Avengers (1st series) #23
Uncanny Avengers (1st series) #23

wakes up from stasis to find she cannot control her powers

[title] - Uncanny Avengers (1st series) #25
Uncanny Avengers (1st series) #24-25

helps defeat the Red Skull

[title] - Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #1
Axis crossover

has moral compass inverted

[title] - Uncanny Avengers (2nd series) #1
Uncanny Avengers (2nd series) #1

assembles new Unity squad to find Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch

[title] - Uncanny Avengers (2nd series) #3
Uncanny Avengers (2nd series) #3

at the mercy of High Evolutionary’s scientist

[title] - Uncanny Avengers (2nd series) #5
Uncanny Avengers (2nd series) #5

fights High Evolutionary on Counter Earth

[title] - Avengers (5th series) #0
Avengers (5th series) #0

infected with M-Pox

[title] - Uncanny Avengers (3rd series) #1
Uncanny Avengers (3rd series) #1

becomes Unity Squad field leader

[title] - Uncanny Avengers (3rd series) #14
Uncanny Avengers (3rd series) #14

Unity Division disbanded after she lies to Cap

[title] - Uncanny Avengers (3rd series) #21
Uncanny Avengers (3rd series) #21

defeats Red Skull, recovers Xavier's brain

[title] - Uncanny Avengers (3rd series) #23
Uncanny Avengers (3rd series) #23

separates from Wonder Man

[title] - Avengers (1st series) #690
Avengers (1st series) #690

leaves the Avengers

[title] - X-Men: Gold #23
X-Men: Gold #23

re-forms the X-Men with Iceman

[title] - noimage
Rogue & Gambit #1-5

reconciles with Gambit

[title] - X-Men: Gold #30
X-Men: Gold #30