In the Ultimate Universe, Marie Grant was a police officer in Washington sentenced to twenty years in prison after her actions caused the death of a young man. As a cop in prison, she ended up in solitary confinement after fighting to stay alive until Nick Fury showed up. He secretly arranged for a team of West Coast Ultimates including Tigra, Vision, Black Knight, Quake and Wonder Man. However, the group proved to be unstable (particularly Wonder Man) and they were placed in stasis for years. When the American government fell apart, western states made plans for seceding as Captain America of the Ultimates was elected President of these fractured states. The Governor of California’s man Ford learned the West Coast Ultimates’ storage site was in their state, and he released Tigra’s team of Ultimates as their heroes, spinning a story that Cap illegally stole the election to seize power.
In the MC2 universe, the Avengers rallied their forces when they discovered a fascist parallel universe preparing to invade their own. Tigra was among a number of Avengers summoned to preemptively confront this world’s Thunder Guard and was apparently lost in the battle.
Similarly, Tigra was an early casualty during the Last Avengers Story. When the Avengers assembled to battle Ultron-19, the Hulk turned against the team. Tigra tried to scratch out the Hulk’s eyes, but he grabbed the were-cat’s body and ripped her in half before anyone could stop him. This led to a climactic battle between Wonder Man and the Hulk which only ended once Simon’s ionic energy erupted, killing them both.
During House of M, Tigra was a member of the Sapien Liberation Army in New York. Greer's transformation allowed her to work undercover among the mutants while fighting for sapien rights in Magneto's new world order. When the SLA was wiped out, a wounded Tigra ran into Luke Cage in Sapien Town, and he got her medical treatment off the books. Tigra and Luke became romantic, and she helped him put together his gang of "Avengers" including Hawkeye, Mockingbird, Iron Fist, Moon Knight, and Misty Knight. During a tussle with Shang-Chi and his rival Dragons, though, they were ambushed by the FBI's Brotherhood task force. The sniper Taskmaster tried to kill Luke Cage and Tigra took the bullet for him instead.
Several iterations of Tigra existed on Battleworld. A winged version of the were-cat helped defend the Shield. Another Tigra was punished by sending her beyond the Shield to face zombies and Ultron drones. A version of Tigra lived in Arcadia as part of A-Force. Another version died in the Warzone, where the destruction of prison 42 led to many deaths on the last day of the Superhuman Civil War.
In Heroes Reborn 2021, Greer Grant was presented as a love interest for Representative Kyle Richmond, secretly the dark knight detective known as Nighthawk. However, she was also secretly a ferocious were-cat called Tigra and foe of Power Princess. At some point in the past, Power Princess defeated Tigra and left her petrified in her garden of foes, all turned to stone and preserved for the amusement of the cruel Zarda.