Publication Date: 12th Sep 2024
Written By: Monolith.
Image Work: Douglas Mangum.


The Tiger God is a primordial entity with ties to Earth, the first thing mankind ever feared in the dark. Its essence is linked to the White Hot Room, the same origin point of the Phoenix Force. Metaphorically, the Phoenix is the fire in the cave while the Tiger is the darkness outside the cave. [Defenders: Beyond #3] A jade statue representing the Tiger God long had ties to K’un-Lun, one of the Seven Capital Cities of Heaven. It was a tool of the god-like sorcerer Master Khan which could transform into a full-sized tiger, possibly an avatar of the Tiger God itself. At some point centuries ago, the statue was stolen from Master Khan’s possession and cloaked mystically so he could not find it. Furthermore, the head and front paws of the jade tiger were removed and replaced with replicas to rob it of its power. [Power Man and Iron Fist (1st series) #74]

The real three jade fragments came into the possession of Master Kee, a martial arts instructor and foe of the Silent Ones. When Kee was murdered by his enemies, the three jade amulets passed on to his students Lin Sun, Abe Brown and Bob Diamond. These three Sons of the Tiger used the Amulets of Power in their search for justice by evoking a special chant, “When three are called and stand as one / as one they’ll fight, their will be done / for each is born anew… the Tiger’s Son.” When active, the Amulets gave each of the Sons the combined strength and skill of all three, tripling their fighting prowess. [Deadly Hands of Kung Fu (1st series) #1]

After defeating the Silent Ones, the Sons of the Tiger had a falling out and threw their amulets in the garbage. A Puerto Rican man from Spanish Harlem named Hector Ayala found the amulets and was the first person known to wear all three at once. The Amulets of Power transformed him into a costumed figure called the White Tiger, magically endowed with the strength and kung fu knowledge of all three of the Sons, combined into Hector. [Deadly Hands of Kung Fu (1st series) #19] The White Tiger struggled with his power early on, experiencing blackouts as Hector that left him unaware of the White Tiger’s activities. He also became sick and suffered withdrawal symptoms when separated from the amulets. Hector had a number of adventures as the White Tiger, but faced consequences when his secret identity was revealed publicly by Lightmaster. [Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man (1st series) #20]

A madman named Gideon Mace raised a militia of "true Americans" to oppose the lawlessness of costumed vigilantes. He had Hector’s entire family gunned down and murdered. Hector arrived home to find his parents dead and his sister Awilda died in his arms. Mace shot and nearly killed the White Tiger as well when Hector hunted him down. Spider-Man brought Mace to justice, but the whole incident soured the White Tiger on being a super-hero, and Hector gave up operating as the White Tiger. He had a mutual friend named Blackbyrd promise to return the Amulets of Power to the Sons of the Tiger. [Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man (1st series) #49-52]

The Amulets of Power were returned to the Sons of the Tiger, and in turn were later stolen by agents of Master Khan. He reassembled them with the original Jade Tiger statue to resurrect his familiar. [Power Man and Iron Fist (1st series) #74-75] The Jade Tiger vanished from Master Khan’s employ, and the Sons of the Tiger went on wearing non-magical replicas of their amulets for a time. After Hector Ayala, two more unrelated heroes assumed the same name. White Tiger II was a member of the High Evolutionary’s New Men who entered man’s world to hunt his greatest failure, the Man-Beast. She joined the revamped Heroes for Hire team after Onslaught, but returned to the wild in her original form after her mission was completed. [Heroes for Hire (1st series) #1] Kevin “Casper” Cole was a cop who got involved with the Black Panther, eventually becoming an acolyte in the cult of the panther referred to as the White Tiger III. [Black Panther (3rd series) #62]

Under unknown circumstances, the Amulets of Power returned to Hector Ayala’s possession despite his retirement. He went back on patrol for the first time in years, only to be framed by circumstances for attempted burglary and the murder of a police officer. Matt “Daredevil” Murdock defended Hector at trial, but White Tiger was found Guilty by the jury. Hector snapped when he heard the verdict. He stole a guard’s gun and raced out of the courtroom into a crowd of police and reporters, letting himself die as the cops opened fire. [Daredevil (2nd series) #38-40]

Angela del Toro was the daughter of Hector’s sister, Awilda. She was first seen as an FBI agent working on the task force covering Matt Murdock and his alleged connection to Daredevil. [Daredevil (2nd series) #58] After her partner was killed and the Amulets of Power mysteriously showed up in her mail, Angela sought out Murdock on a personal level. Although he still couldn’t admit his secret identity, Murdock “arranged” for del Toro to meet Daredevil, and she began the early stages of training to use the amulets as a super-hero. [Daredevil (2nd series) #68-70] Angela quit the FBI and her director railroaded Murdock into prison, and she received support from other heroes like Black Widow and Iron Fist in establishing herself as the new White Tiger. [White Tiger #1-6]

However, Angela’s career was cut short by the corruption of the Hand. She and Black Tarantula were killed by Hand ninja and resurrected by demon magic, making them loyal to the Hand. [Daredevil (2nd series) #113-115] The Snakeroot demon worshippers at the core of the Hand intended to manipulate Matt Murdock into leading the Hand, with White Tiger and Black Tarantula as his chief enforcers. Black Tarantula’s healing powers shrugged off the Hand’s influence, and he supposedly cleansed Angela’s mind with the same power. Murdock therefore believed he was infiltrating the Hand with secret allies by his side, but White Tiger’s corruption was too deep and she remained loyal to the Snakeroot as a double double agent. Angela’s influence led Daredevil down the path of founding Shadowland and becoming host for the Beast of the Hand. Daredevil was eventually purged of the Hand’s evil, but Angela remained corrupt and loyal to the ninja clan of assassins. [Daredevil (1st series) #500-511, Shadowland crossover]

[Note: Hector’s family tree underwent several retcons to accommodate the new White Tigers. Awilda only appeared to be Hector’s elder sister by a few years in the original stories where he was a college student. For her to suddenly have a daughter in her 20’s like Angela del Toro is a radical departure. Furthermore, Awilda’s death in PPTSS #49 was ignored completely by the time of Angela’s White Tiger series. In addition, Hector’s youngest sibling Ava Ayala did not exist in his original home life, or when his family was revisited during Angela’s tenure. She was edited into the massacre of his family by future stories.]