1) As the costumed wrestler Demolition Dunphy, Dennis wore a short-sleeved red body suit with yellow boots, wrist bands and an enlarged belt. He kept his hair trimmed as a Mohawk in this outfit. [Thing (1st series) #28]
2) In order to go undercover with Captain America against the Power Broker, Dunphy worked up a masked costume for himself as Demolition-Man, typically shortened to “D-Man.” When asked, he acknowledged the costume was based off of Daredevil’s original look, a yellow bodysuit with a black tunic, gloves and boots. The boots and gloves had red lacing and he also wore a red belt and giant ‘D’ insignia on his chest. The mask was closer to Wolverine’s, with a black pointed mask over a yellow skullcap. Over time, artists would draw the costume’s black portion as more of an earthy brown, but this was inconsistent. [Captain America (1st series) #328]
3) As a member of the Revengers, D-Man adopted a modified costume. It was a black bodysuit with yellow sleeves and leggings, red boots and gloves. It also had a red belt and stylized ‘D’ insignia coming down from his neck. He wore a red mask and headgear similar to a boxer’s protective support, leaving his hair exposed. [New Avengers (2nd series) Annual #1]
4) As Scourge, Dennis wore full body white and gray tactical gear. He carries ammunition, grenades, and other items strapped over his chest. His helmet resembled a cross between the classic Scourge’s ghost face and a hockey mask, with red optics. [Captain America (6th series) #11]
5) While working on Captain America’s hotline, D-Man invested in some “cool” body armor for his costume. His basic yellow under suit was supplemented with brown armor plating, chest piece, boots, gloves, belt, etc. He had a red ‘D’ printed on his chest. [Captain America: Sam Wilson #1]