Magneto (Max Eisenhardt)
First Appearance: X-Men (1st series) #1
Imprisonment by the Stranger: X-Men (1st series) #11, 17-18, Avengers (1st series) #47, X-Men Forever (1st series) #3
Special Power: Omega-class magnetic manipulation allows him to levitate and manipulate metals, cast magnetic force blasts and fields, induce heat in metal, absorb cold and electricity to amplify his powers, and manipulate the iron in human blood
Notes: The Stranger's first known "acquisition", Magneto escaped the Laboratory World in Avengers #47 thanks to an electromagnetic signal transmitted through space by Dane Whitman on Earth.
Toad (Mortimer Toynbee)
First Appearance: X-Men (1st series) #4
Imprisonment by the Stranger: X-Men (1st series) #11, 18, Avengers (1st series) #47, X-Men Forever (1st series) #3
Special Power: Superhuman strength, agility, leaping ability, elastic and prehensile tongue able to secrete paralytic or will-sapping enzymes, climbs walls using adhesive secretions
Notes: Toad later returned to the Stranger’s world and appropriated his technology. He was seen using this tech in Avengers (1st series) #137-138 and Vision and the Scarlet Witch (2nd series) #6-7, and #11.
Abomination (Emil Blonksy)
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #90
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Tales to Astonish #91, Silver Surfer (1st series) #12, Thor (1st series) #178
Special Power: Gamma mutate with an inhuman form giving him superhuman strength, endurance, and resistance to physical injury
Notes: Abomination made several escape attempts from the Laboratory World, before finally getting free prior to Incredible Hulk (2nd series) #136.
Ghost Light (Alvin Bernard Harper)
First Appearance: Silver Surfer (1st series) #5
Imprisonment by the Stranger: revealed in Silver Surfer: Ghost Light #2
Special Power: Lifeforce entwined with alien nano-cloud augmented by the Power Cosmic, able to achieve feats of great strength, project pure force, rearrange matter configurations, as well as sense, access, and manipulate systems of various kinds
Notes: Al Harper seemingly died in Silver Surfer (1st series) #5, but Silver Surfer: Ghost Light #1-2 revealed how his lifeforce came to exist with an independent body and was subject to Stranger’s “care” for the next decade.
First Appearance: Silver Surfer (3rd series) #27
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Silver Surfer (3rd series) #27
Special Power: Alien mutant with the cognitive ability to intuitively navigate space
Notes: Captain Reptyl traded Dalabuur (and the rest of his crew) to the Stranger as test subjects in exchange for the Stranger giving up claim on the new Skrull empress, S’Byll.
First Appearance: Machine Man (1st series) #12
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #14-15
Special Power: Evolved by an electrochemical accident to possess various powers, including intangibility, levitation, precognition, and casting telekinetic deflection and stasis beams
Notes: Last seen in 1979, the Ethicals were missing for eleven years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
First Appearance: Captain America (1st series) #149
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #14
Special Power: Harnesses power from extra-dimensional technology for feats of strength, teleportation, shape-changing, exotic force beams from his hands and eyes, etc.
- Last seen in 1972, Jakar was missing for eighteen years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
- In his first appearance, Jakar actually posed as the Stranger before revealing his true self.
- Jakar suffered more serious physical trauma and experimentation than most of the Stranger’s specimens. Either the Stranger was insulted by the imposter’s ruse, or he thought it possible Jakar was another member of his species and wished to thoroughly confirm it.
First Appearance: Thor (1st series) #198
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #14-15
Special Power: Bipedal construct forged from Ego the Living Planet, possessing superhuman strength and durability, telepathic powers, and harnessed bio-spheric energy and other sources of power for elemental control, evolutionary acceleration, force beams, and flight
Notes: Last seen in 1972, Ego-Prime was missing for eighteen years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
First Appearance: Giant-Size X-Men #1
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #14-15
Special Power: Living bio-sphere that feeds off of mutant bio-energy to survive, can express its hive-like consciousness through flora and fauna, creating mutated organisms, elemental activity, or shaping into a humanoid form
- Last seen in 1975, the original Krakoa was missing for fifteen years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
- Multiple clones, spores, and divergent copies of Krakoa appeared on Earth after the original was seen on Labworld. How Krakoa made it back to Earth for House of X is a mystery. (Odds are they didn’t fit in the Presence’s ship convoy.)
First Appearance: Marvel Premiere #31
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #14
Special Power: Artificially engineered human-animal hybrid with satyr-like appearance, enhanced strength, agility, endurance, reflexes, and natural immunity to nerve gas
- Last seen in 1981, Woodgod was missing for nine years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
- After escaping, Woodgod was among the caravan of specimens who returned to Earth in Quasar #20.

Four Horsemen of Axi-Tun (Krowtanem, Yentron, Linbythoum, Rowregyynac)
First Appearance: Giant-Size Fantastic Four #3
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #14,16
Special Power: Axi-Tun alien conquerors with superhuman strength, endurance, durability, capacity for space travel, and individual powers including abilities to (Famine) hypnotically induce feelings of starvation and blind spots preventing people from perceiving food, (Pestilence) psionically create plague symptoms and effects such as comas, fever, ailing weakness, and directing vermin, (War) conjure weapons of destruction and warfare, cast bolts of pure force, and shape-changing to reflect the visage of his opponents back at them, and (Death) summon death avatars of his victims with all of their powers, a foe they thematically cannot defeat
- Last seen in 1974, the Four Horsemen of Axi-Tun were missing for sixteen years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
- The Horsemen were identified as Axi-Tun aliens (and later given real names) by the Handbooks.
Shanga Star-Dancer
First Appearance: Marvel Two-in-One #79
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #14
Special Power: Power Cosmic imbues her with superhuman strength, agility, endurance, resistance to physical harm, ability to survive in vacuum, levitation and space flight, force projection as explosive blasts or transparent barriers, matter transmutation, dissectory ray to analyze a subject down to the sub-atomic and evolutionary level, and matrix-sense providing an intuitive pull towards positive destiny
Notes: Last seen in 1981, Star-Dancer was missing for nine years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
First Appearance: Amazing Adventures (2nd series) #9
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #14-15
Special Power: Three Alpha Primitives exposed to Terrigenesis, evolving into a trio of psychic power orbs that communicated telepathically, projected psychokinetic force bolts, and protective force aura
Notes: Last seen in 1972, the Trikon were missing for eighteen years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
Alpha the Ultimate Mutant
First Appearance: Defenders (1st series) #15
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #14-15
Special Power: Artificially-engineered mutant with progressive evolution that advanced with the use of his abilities, including telepathy, teleportation, telekinesis, and advanced matter rearrangement and transmutation
Notes: Last seen in 1974, Alpha was missing for sixteen years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
Futurist (Randolph James)
First Appearance: Fantastic Four (1st series) #215
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #14-15
Special Power: Exposure to evolutionary accelerator brought about transcendent psychic powers, including teleportation, telekinetic levitation and force projection, matter transmutation to alter people into other species, and telepathic abilities to probe minds and clairvoyantly observe events at extra-solar distances
Notes: Last seen in 1979, the Futurist was missing for eleven years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #44
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #14
Special Power: Fluid entity able to become solid or shift into a formic acid-like mist, hypnotic power to compel others to look at it, influence their behavior, or induce death
Notes: Last seen in 1963, the Creature from Kosmos was missing for twenty-seven years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
Power Platoon
First Appearance: Quasar #14
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #14-15
Special Power: Dakkamites powered and mutated by Earth’s sun with a variety of individual powers, including size changing, optical force beams, ultra-elasticity, force reflection, superhuman strength and durability
- The Dakkamite super-man called Quantum was introduced in 1986, last of his Power Platoon to emerge from his incubator capsule. The other members of his Platoon first appeared on the Stranger’s world, having been captured behind the scenes before Quantum’s debut.
- The Power Platoon were confirmed to have escaped from Lab World in Avengers West Coast #96-97.
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk (2nd series) #169
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #14,16, Incredible Hulk (2nd series) #412
Special Power: Avian android with superhuman strength, endurance, resistance to physical injury, and two skulls with independent brains capable of parallel processing and advanced data storage
Notes: Last seen in 1982, Bi-Beast was missing for eight years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
Fusion (Hubert & Pinky Fusser)
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man (1st series) #208
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #14,16
Special Power: Particle accelerator bonded two brothers, unable to go far from one another but able to fuse into a single being who absorbs all manner of energy (kinetic, electromagnetic, chemical, etc.) to disable machines, neutralize attacks, and use the energy for increased strength or rechanneled energy discharges
- Last seen in 1980, Fusion was missing for ten years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
- After escaping, Fusion was among the caravan of specimens who returned to Earth in Quasar #20.
Mercurio the 4-D Man
First Appearance: Thor (1st series) #204
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #14,16
Special Power: Gramosian altered by a dimensional oscillator, possessing superhuman strength, endurance, durability, harnesses anti-gravitons for flight, and molecular-kinesis effect that allows him to stimulate intense amounts of heat or cold as thermal blasts and as a defensive aura
Notes: Last seen in 1977, Mercurio was missing for thirteen years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
Presence (Sergei Krylov)
First Appearance: Defenders (1st series) #52
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #14
Special Power: Radioactive mutate powered by self-sustaining bio-fusion, possessing superhuman strength, durability, levitation, radioactive discharges of light, heat, force, or solid constructs, telepathic powers for communication or domination, and ability to control other sources of radiation
- Last seen in 1981, the Presence was missing for nine years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
- After escaping, the Presence was among the caravan of specimens who returned to Earth in Quasar #20.
Starlight (Tania Belenskaya)
First Appearance: Defenders (1st series) #35
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #14
Special Power: Radioactive mutate powered by self-sustaining bio-fusion, possessing superhuman strength, durability, levitation, radioactive discharges of light, heat, and force, and ability to control other sources of radiation
- Last seen in 1981, Starlight was missing for nine years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
- After escaping, Starlight was among the caravan of specimens who returned to Earth in Quasar #20.
Dragonfly (Veronica Dultry)
First Appearance: X-Men (1st series) #94
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #14,16
Special Power: Insect-like mutation through genetic engineering, possessing wings for flight, antenna sensitive to vibration, and a hypnotic gaze to dominate the will power of others
- After Count Nefaria and the Ani-Men battled the X-Men, Dragonfly was captured and held on Muir Island. X-Men #104 revealed she was missing, a dangling plot thread until Quasar #14, thirteen years later.
- After escaping, Dragonfly was among the caravan of specimens who returned to Earth in Quasar #20.
- Iron Man Annual #12 revealed that Dragonfly underwent further mutation on Labworld due to the Stranger’s experiments, intermittently changing into a human-sized dragonfly.
Threkker the Captive
First Appearance: Captain America Annual #3
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #14,16
Special Power: Epsiloni able to leech living energy from other beings, increasing his strength and durability while weakening his victim’s powers and lifeforce, rechannel energy as electric charges, and assume a more human, passive appearance while at rest
- Last seen in 1976, the Captive was missing for sixteen years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
- After escaping the Stranger’s World, Threkker and Nygorn the Last Monitor joined the Starblasters in Starblast #1.

Stardust (T’urin D’ar)
First Appearance: Rom Annual #1
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #14,16
Special Power: Energy being bound in starstuff bands, able to absorb life energy to disintegrate living things and add them to his mass, cast starstuff into physical constructs to absorb energy for him remotely, and possesses vast senses to detect thoughts, molecular patterns, and energy signatures
Notes: Last seen in 1982, Stardust was missing for eight years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
Starman (Will Payton)
First Appearance: Starman (1st series) #1 (DC Comics)
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #14
Special Power: Cosmically-enhanced with superhuman strength, endurance, durability, flight, shape-changing abilities, and stellar blasts of light, heat, and explosive force
Notes: Will Payton was one of several legacy heroes known as Starman, published in DC Comics. He was active with his own title in DC at the time, making this a curious cameo.
Rocket Raccoon
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk (2nd series) #271
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #15
Special Power: Evolved raccoon with exceptional agility, dexterity, and senses, intuitive grasp improving his rapid understanding of vehicles, weapons, and technology
Notes: Last seen in 1985, Rocket Raccoon was missing for five years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
Jack of Hearts (Jonathon Hart)
First Appearance: Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #22
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #15
Special Power: Living reactor of Zero Energy with enhanced strength, endurance, reaction time, durability and recuperative powers, Zero Power blasts of pure force for offensive or thrust, sensitivity, control and absorption of various forms of radiation, assimilated Scanlyzer properties for a computer-like mind able to calculate probabilities and trajectories with incredible accuracy
- Last seen in 1984, Jack of Hearts was missing for six years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
- After escaping, Jack of Hearts was among the caravan of specimens who returned to Earth in Quasar #20.
Gorr the Golden Gorilla
First Appearance: Fantastic Four (1st series) #171
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #16
Special Power: Hyper-evolved by the High Evolutionary from a real gorilla, possessing greater-than-human strength, agility, and recuperation
Notes: Last seen in 1976, Gorr was missing for fourteen years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
Nygorn the Last Monitor
First Appearance: Marvel Two-In-One Annual #3
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #16
Special Power: Marvanite with enormous size, strength, and durability, telepathic communication, teleporting, self-levitation, and energy blasted from hands or eyes to induce force, heat, or teleportation of others
- Last seen in 1978, Nygorn was missing for twelve years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
- After escaping the Stranger’s World, Nygorn and Threkker the Captive joined the Starblasters in Starblast #1.
First Appearance: Strange Tales (1st series) #178
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #16
Special Power: Pegasusian more than three times the size of an average human with relatively superhuman strength
Notes: Last seen in 1980, Sphinxor was missing for ten years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
Diamondhead (Archibald Dyker)
First Appearance: Nova (1st series) #3
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #16
Special Power: Transformed by a diamond-powered laser into a crystalline faceted lifeform, possessing diamond-hardened strength, endurance, durability, and self-regenerative qualities, able to refract light and energy in a semi-controlled manner through his skin
- Last seen in 1981, Diamondhead was missing for nine years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
- After escaping, Diamondhead was among the caravan of specimens who returned to Earth in Quasar #20.
Megaman (Nathan Cooper)
First Appearance: Nova (1st series) #6
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #16
Special Power: Mutated to possess enhanced strength, durability, and the power to command his environment with element blasts that directed sandstorms, induced earthquakes, or projected immense heat
Notes: Last seen in 1977, Megaman was missing for thirteen years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
First Appearance: Machine Man (1st series) #3
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #16
Special Power: Autocron bio-mechanoid powered by controlled internal fission which can be directed offensively, with incredible strength, endurance, durability, and integrated systems including force blasters, vertigo inducers, paralysis beams, flip-open facial shock discharge, retractable foot blades, neutralizers to absorb and compensate for energy attacks, intergalactic signal devices, and rocket boots
Notes: Last seen in 1978, Ten-For was missing for twelve years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
First Appearance: Daredevil (1st series) #128
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #16
Special Power: Able to conduct cosmic energy through his body, creating a repulsive energy field and conjuring “light steps,” which are tangible platforms that can carry him to the stars
Notes: Last seen in 1975, the Sky-Walker was missing for fifteen years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
Meru the Mind-Bender
First Appearance: Marvel Team-Up (1st series) #115
Imprisonment by the Stranger: Quasar #16
Special Power: alien Heif of Cherron, possessing superhuman strength and durability, telepathic powers include psychic probes to locate familiar minds and disruptive mind-bursts which unleash hidden or repressed feelings in others, often resulting in selfish id behavior
- Last seen in 1981, Meru was missing for nine years before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
- In Marvel Team-Up #115-116, Meru fused with his rival / lover Dalia the Shape-Changer as an intangible energy being, but on the Stranger’s world there was no sign of Dalia.
Gargoyle (Isaac Christians)
First Appearance: Defenders (1st series) #94
Imprisonment by the Stranger: referenced in Quasar #19-20
Special Power: Human spirit inhabiting the body of a demon, possessing superhuman strength, agility, endurance, durability, and regenerative powers, psychokinetic levitation aided by wings on his back, able to absorb lifeforce from others (with a fear-inducing side effect) and rechannel it as bolts of force or protective barriers
- Last seen in 1989, Gargoyle was missing for less than a year before being discovered on the Stranger’s World.
- Gargoyle was not seen on the Stranger’s World explicitly. He only appeared among the convoy of escapees when they returned to Earth.

Weird Sisters (Truth, Charm, Beauty)
First Appearance: Quasar #20
Imprisonment by the Stranger: referenced in Quasar #20
Special Power: Morph hands into organic blades (Truth), exude poison from various hidden and retractable appendages (Charm), radiate an intense and blinding light (Beauty)
Notes: The Weird Sisters were not seen on the Stranger’s World explicitly. They only appeared among the convoy of escapees when they returned to Earth.
Moondancer (Myla)
First Appearance: Quasar #32
Imprisonment by the Stranger: referenced in Quasar #55
Special Power: Tracking ability can home in on people, objects, and energy signatures across interstellar distances
Notes: At some unknown point in the past, these three Imperial Guardsmen were imprisoned by the Stranger for five cycles. They were eventually released, leading to a non-aggression agreement between the Stranger and the Shi’ar going forward.
Voyager (Divad)
First Appearance: Quasar #32
Imprisonment by the Stranger: referenced in Quasar #55
Special Power: Teleporter able to open portals for transportation across local to interstellar distances, channeled through his staff
Notes: At some unknown point in the past, these three Imperial Guardsmen were imprisoned by the Stranger for five cycles. They were eventually released, leading to a non-aggression agreement between the Stranger and the Shi’ar going forward.
Solar Wind
First Appearance: Quasar #32
Imprisonment by the Stranger: referenced in Quasar #55
Special Power: Emits a power beam from his chest lens and can expel powerful gusts of air from his mouth
Notes: At some unknown point in the past, these three Imperial Guardsmen were imprisoned by the Stranger for five cycles. They were eventually released, leading to a non-aggression agreement between the Stranger and the Shi’ar going forward.