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Spotlight On...

Founding member of the West Coast Avengers and dedicated educator at Avengers Academy, Greer Nelson balances her commitment to super-heroics with being a single mom! She was imbued with the soul of the Cat People's fiercest woman warrior and can carve her initials onto any couch. Today's Spotlight shines on the feline fury called... TIGRA!
The Scarlet Swashbuckler, the Man Without Fear, this blind ninja pugilist defends Hell's Kitchen from all manner of criminals. Through tragedy, breakdowns, and demonic possession, he has tried to remain true to his faith and his principles. Has he succeeded? Read today Spotlight for yourself and judge the life of... DAREDEVIL!
A bouncing bundle of blue and white, Johnny Gallo is a mutant wearing one of Spider-Man's cast-off costumes. With the Slingers, Excelsior, or Avengers Academy, his love of the spotlight often eclipses any real desire for heroism. But hey, we're here already, so today our Spotlight falls on... RICOCHET!
Adam Brashear is a brilliant scientist and a living anti-matter reactor, making him one of the most formidable Avengers introduced in the last 20 years. Whether it's stopping terrorists abroad or building a new dimensional warp transmitter, he's always at work for the betterment of the world. Today Spotlight falls on... BLUE MARVEL!

Spotlight On... TIGRA!

Tigra the were-cat started off as a short-lived 70s heroine known simply as "the Cat," before being reimagined into her current form. She joined the Avengers but did so alongside a daunting roster that included only her and the founding members. Feeling overwhelmed, she left and later found a better fit as a West Coast Avenger. Tigra's tenure was marked by ongoing issues reconciling her two souls. Her next major role was as a training instructor among both Avengers: The Initiative and Avengers Academy. She also gave birth to a son, William, genetically hers and Hank Pym's, but conceived with the Skrull infiltrator posing as Yellowjacket. Most recently, Greer reconnected with her old flame Moon Knight and assisted him with his Midnight Mission, even keeping the torch lit through his death and resurrection.

Spotlight On... DAREDEVIL!!!

It's the end of the year... and do we have a Spotlight for you. As MightyAvengers.net has grown, we've slowly built up our catalogue of articles on Avengers characters, tackling many of their long-term members and obscure allies alike. While a Spotlight on Iron Man or Thor is still far off, today we Spotlight one of the Avengers' longest running and most consistent solo stars. The Man Without Fear is coming back to the small screen next year, so enjoy this full-length, *55 page Spotlight* on Matthew Murdock! Be sure to also check out the bonus features on his powers, his secret identity, and his law career. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year and see you in 2025!

Spotlight On... RICOCHET!

Today we take a sharp look at Ricochet, formerly of the Slingers and the Avengers Academy! Earlier this year, blindfaith311 won our Unusual Suspects 4 contest, and Ricochet was his choice to receive a Spotlight! Congratulations again, blindfaith311! And hey... did everyone know that Ricochet is the 99th Spotlight for MightyAvengers.net? And, added together, MightyAvengers.net and UncannyXmen.net now have 499 Character Articles between them? It's true! So before Christmas arrives and our content for 2024 comes to a close, be on the look out for next week's monolithic article on the man in the red suit!

Spotlight On... BLUE MARVEL!

Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel asked the question of what would happen if a Superman-class black super-hero were active in the 1950's? Pressured into retirement by JFK because the Civil Rights movement "wasn't ready yet", the patriotic soldier and scientist Adam Brashear spent decades in obscurity. During the Initiative era, he was finally called to action, lending his strength to international aid while tinkering with multi-dimensional physics in his lab. Somewhat unassuming but never to be underestimated, today we focus on The BLUE MARVEL.

Spotlight On... WHITE TIGER V!

The White Tiger was one of the first Hispanic heroes published by Marvel Comics, spinning out of the Sons of the Tiger serial in Deadly Hands of Kung Fu. Hector Ayala had a troubled stint as a super-hero, though, with his secret identity revealed to the public, his family murdered by militants, and finally being wrongfully convicted of murder and dying as he fled the court house. His niece Angela del Toro was lost to the Hand's corruption after claiming the mantle, too. Therefore, Hector's youngest sister Ava Ayala had much to live up to and redeem when she became the latest White Tiger. Ava surprised many when she tamed the Tiger God itself and later rejected her patron entirely to fight on without powers at all. Through the highs and lows, she had truly earned her title.


Thanks to all that got involved in our Unusual Suspects 4! We've now updated the Article with the links and release order to all the Characters introduced as part of the our anniversary event!